Hello and welcome to our Dress up! Magic Lamp stage 2-13 full walkthrough and guide. In the previous stage, Gina used the Silver Cloak to turn into Chapur and disguised herself. She approached the two guards whose duty was to escort Kahir into the prison. So, Gina joined them, saying that they will be much safer if they had a powerful magician on their side (she was still disguised as Chapur). Once they reached Kahir’s chambers, she sent the guards away, saying that she wants to interrogate the prisoner, before they proceed. Shortly after the guards left, Gina dropped her disguise and informed Kahir about everything that happened. However, at this point, it was almost dawn, which meant that Gina and Kahir won’t be able to get to King’s chambers unnoticed. So, they concluded that they will have to fight. Gina and the Prince left his study and advanced toward the King’s chambers. Kahir managed to fight off the guards, but more and more were coming, and our characters realized that will be overwhelmed. It was now only a matter of time.

Just as one of the guards was about to stab Kahir in the back, Tariq appeared and paired the blow. The old commander also brought with him a company of royal guards who were still loyal to the King. Together they joined the battle. Both sides were roughly equal in strength, but a few moments after the battle was joined, they saw a flare in the sky, and everyone stopped fighting. The Prime Minister was certain that the flare was fired by the army of the Eastern Provinces and started celebrating. However, a few moments later a messenger arrived and informed the Prime Minister that the army of the Western, not Eastern, Provinces is entering the city. The Prime Minister was furious, but Kahir calmly explained that he expected treason, so he instructed the army of the Western Provinces to be ready to intervene in case of trouble. Overwhelmed with rage and desperation, the Prime Minister drew the scimitar and charged at Kahir, intending to kill both him and his parents, and conquer the throne. However, Kahir was a much better swordsman, and he quickly disarmed and captured his uncle. With that, the rebellion ended.

After the situation has calmed down, Kahir informed Gina that he was aware that the Prime Minister was plotting something as soon as they found out that the royal jewels were being smuggled to the Eastern Provinces. So, Kahir immediately took steps to prevent this, by putting the army of the Western Provinces on high alert and infiltrating some of his men into the Prime Ministers’ ranks. The Prince also explains that he was just pretending to submit to the Prime Minister when they were captured and Gina was taken away. Kahir did this to buy time. However, everything didn’t go according to the plan. Particularly, the army of the Western Provinces couldn’t reach the city in time because of the bad weather. So, if it wasn’t for Gina’s help, things could end up quite differently. Kahir was very grateful for Gina’s help and decided to give her the flawless ruby. With flawless ruby in her hands, Gina decided to immediately go back to her room and try to fix the magic lamp, and save Light. However, once she saw that her room was in mess, and concluded that someone must have broken in. The magic lamp was nowhere to be found, but all of her other belongings were still there, so Gina concluded that Chapur must be the one who broke in and stole the magic lamp. With that, she decided to go to the palace and search the Astrology Chamber for clues about Chapur’s whereabouts.

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Our story continues with Gina and Kahir entering the Astrology Chamber, and searching it for clues. They immediately noticed a lot of books about dark magic, and begin sorting through them. Gina grabs a book with a dark green cover, and when she opened it, some kind of note fell out. Upon closer inspection, she discovered that this was actually a map. After examining the map, Kahir explains that this is the map of the capital and the surrounding area. However, judging by the name of the settlements around the capital, the map was drawn during the rule previous dynasty. He then points at the spot marked on the map and explains that this location is somewhere in the desert to the northwest. But, Gina is wondering why would Chapur use an outdated map.

Gina continues to browse through the pages of the old book and noticed the Chapur’s handwriting. On one page, she sees something that looks like Chapur’s hand-drawn portrait, but the man on the portrait looks much older than Chapur. Kahir takes a look at the portrait and remembers that he already saw it in the history books. The man in the portrait is the “The Last Tyrant”, the last ruler of the previous dynasty. Gina wants to know if the Last Tyrant played a role in the turmoil and war that happened 70 years ago. Kahir explains that the Last Tyrant was responsible for everything. It all started when his son fell into an eternal slumber. Mad with grief, the Last Tyrant tried to revive him using dark magic, and he was ready to sacrifice everyone and everything in order to bring his son back. But, after the Last Tyrant slew, one of his ministers and refused to stop practicing dark magic, the people rebelled and overthrew him. After that, the Full Moon Kingdom was established and the use of magic was banned.

But, Gina is curious as to why would Chapur have a portrait of the old King. She continued to browse through the pages, convinced that there’s some kind of a connection between Chapur and the Last Tyrant. (we played the other branching of the story, so we already know that Chapur is actually Ghiyath – the son of the Last Tyrant). Suddenly Gina noticed something of interest.

A poem on the title page

A signature on the last page
NOTE: “A signature on the last page” is the only real option. If you choose the first option, Gina will continue looking through the book until she finds the signature.

If you choose the first option “A poem on the title page” Gina will notice that the poem really “sticks out” because the rest of the pages are filled with incantations. Kahir explains that the poem was written by the Last Tyrant for his son, and he read it during the Prince’s Title Ceremony. Gina noticed that the poem is full of emotion and concludes that things might have played out differently if the son of the Last Tyrant hadn’t fallen into an eternal slumber. With that said, Gina continued to look through the pages for clues.

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If you choose the second option “A signature on the last page” Gina will notice that there is a crossed-out word, just before Chapur’s signature. After a few moments, she managed to decipher the word “Ghiyath”. After thinking about it for a few moments, Kahir remembered that Ghiyath was the name of the only son of the Last Tyrant. Gina said that Chapur looks like the Last Tyrant, and since he signed as “Ghiyath” she concludes that Chapur might actually be the son of the Last Tyrant. Kahir said that this is a valid point, however, the Last Tyrant didn’t manage to wake up his son. When the rebels broke into the palace they found the Last Tyrant dead inside Ghiyath’s room and presumed that he was killed while messing around with the dark magic. But, Gina wants to know what happened to Ghyath.

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Kahir explains that there are no further records about Ghiyath. However, it was believed that Ghiyath fell into an eternal slumber because he was messing around with the dark magic. After hearing this, Gina jumps up, concluding that Chapur and Ghiyath are probably the same people since Chapur is also very interested in dark magic. But, Kahir doesn’t believe that this theory is correct, because even if Ghiyath has survived the rebellion and somehow managed to wake, he would be very old by now. When Ghiyath fell ill he was only 18 years old, and the rebellion happened 70 years ago, which means that he would be 88 years old by now, and Chapur looks much younger than that.

Gina points out that Chapur might have the means to keep himself from aging by using dark magic. After thinking about it, Kahir explained that most of Chapur’s books are related to the topic of space-time magic – the most dangerous kind of dark magic. He goes on, saying that he doesn’t know much about this magic, but he is certain that it requires a powerful magical artifact in order to work properly. Gina suddenly realized why Chapur wants the magic lamp.

Gina starts connecting the dots and concludes that if Chapur and Ghiyath are the same people, this means that Ghiyath was conspiring with the Prime Minister. Ghiyath probably believes that the Fatih family was responsible for the death of his father so, it’s very likely that he wants revenge. Kahir came to the same conclusion, and it seemed that he was frightened by this realization. So, he decided to act immediately and went to interrogate the Prime Minister about it. However, it seems that the Prime Minister had no idea about Chapur’s true identity, and he was fooled by the old Magician. Having no other clues, Gina and Kahir decided to find the place marked on the Chapur’s map. With that said, they started preparing for the journey into the northwestern part of the desert.

However, before she left, Gina decided to leave a letter to Sinbad, explaining that she had to leave again but promising to make it up to him by promising that she will work hard after she returns. There is one more thing left to do before she leaves. Gina remembered that the desert can get very cold during the night, so she decides to put on some warm and comfortable clothing.

Finally, before she left, Gina decided to check, once more, if all her belongings are still in the room, after the previous burglary. In one of her drawers, she found the pendant that she was wearing at the start of this adventure. Gina noticed that the crystal inside the pendant is glowing with a comforting light. She concludes that the pendant is her lucky charm, and decides to bring it along for this journey, realizing that she will need all the help that she can get.

After they traveled through the desert for some time, Kahir stopped Gina and told her that they should be closed to the location on the map. He also informed her that he has done some research in the meantime and discovered that the place marked on the map represents the Hunting Lodge that the Last Tyrant built for his son, Ghiyath. Well, this can’t be a coincidence, and our characters are now quite certain that Chapur must be this prince of old, called Ghiyath. After looking around for a bit, Gina noticed that there’s not a single hut near them, let alone a building. So, she wonders, if they are close to the location on the map, why can’t they see anything but sand. However, as soon as she finished the sentence, they heard the screaming of the guards that were accompanying them.

One of the soldiers shouted a warning, saying that they entered the quicksand. Kahir and Gina stopped immediately, but it was too late, and they started to sink. Gina tried to pull out of it, but the more she struggled the faster she sank. She grabbed tightly onto the Kahir’s hand, and that’s the last thing she remembers because they were swallowed by the sand a few moments later.

Gina felt as if she was floating through the darkness. She had no idea where she was, nor where she was going. Suddenly, she called a voice calling her name. After a few moments have passed, she found herself inside the Kahir’s room and he was there, calling for her. Kahir explains to Gina that she was unconscious for half a moment, and he is overjoyed to see that she is finally awake. Remembering what has happened, Kahir says that they were swallowed by the sands, but General Tariq and his men showed up just in time to save them. Kahir goes on, saying that he sent soldiers to find the Hunting Lodge, and they managed to found it on the location marked on the map. However, most of the buildings have either collapsed or were swallowed by the sand dunes.

But, Gina wants to know if there is any news about Chapur and the magic lamp. Kahir explains that he ordered the soldiers to excavate the ruins. However, already before the excavation was complete, they found Chapur’s body near one of the altars. On the downside, they didn’t manage to find the magic lamp, and Kahir had to issue an order to stop the excavation after a few days because the quicksand already took the lives of several soldiers. Kahir explained that he is very sad because they can’t help Light without the magic lamp, but he also said that he now has to honor his secret agreement with the Genie. Gina doesn’t know what Kahir is talking about, but he reveals that, after they retrieved the reverse scale from the Golden Serpent, he promised to Light that he will take care of Gina if anything happened to the Genie. Gina remembers this moment and recalls that Light and Kahir had some kind of a secret conversation.

Gina started to blame herself, saying that Light was always there for her, but she didn’t notice that something was wrong with Genie, until it was too late. But, Kahir said that Gina shouldn’t blame herself, because she did everything in her power to help Light, and there’s nothing else that she could do to help him. On the other hand, the Prince would really appreciate Gina’s help right now. Kahir explains that the Kingdom is still unstable, after the unsuccessful rebellion, and his father is still ill and tied to the bed. With that said, it is now Kahir’s duty to manage the Kingdom and our character would be of great help to him. But, Gina isn’t quite sure that she can help the young Prince, because she doesn’t have a clue about managing a Kingdom.

But, Kahir recounts all of Gina’s exploits. She managed to retrieve the reverse scale from the Golden Serpent, she also saved the Kingdom during the most recent rebellion and she discovered Chapur’s identity. With all that said, Kahir said that Gina is one the most resourceful person and that she could be of great help to him. After hearing all these praises, our character bowed down her head, feeling a bit shy. But, his next statement completely shocked her. Kahir asked Gina to marry him, promising that he will take care of her, and make all of her dreams come true, just like he promised to Light. Gina wasn’t expecting this, but now, she has to make a choice.

Touched, I nod my head

Unsure, I shake my head
NOTE: The first option “Touched, I nod my head” leads to a bad ending.

If you choose the first option “Touched, I nod my head” Gina will accept Kahir’s proposal. Overjoyed, the young Prince hugs her tightly, whispering into her ear that they should forget the past with all the painful memories, and enjoyed the future together. Gina closed her eyes for a moment, and when she opened them again she was in a place that looked like a paradise. She realized that this place wasn’t real, but then wondered if she really needs reality if she can live happily ever after in this fantasy world.

NOTE: If you chose “Touched, I nod my head” the stage will end here and you will obtain the ending “Lost in a Mirage”.

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NOTE: The second option “Unsure I shake my head” unlocks the next stage, 2-14.

If you choose the second option “Unsure I shake my head” Gina will refuse Kahir’s proposal.  Of course, the young Prince will be very surprised, because this isn’t the answer that he was hoping for. However, Gina will explain that everything happened so suddenly. She can’t believe that both the magic lamp and Chapur are gone. Our character feels that something is fishy about this story. Kahir tried to reassure her, saying that she was unconscious for a long time, and now, everything is over, so she should enjoy peace and happiness for the rest of her life. But, Gina just can’t peacefully accept that Light is gone, and continue with her life as nothing had happened. She also thinks that it is very selfish of Kahir to even suggest something like that to her. Gina thinks that Kahir’s behavior is very strange.

Gina observes Kahir and realizes that his smile is very odd. Also, she thinks that something just doesn’t feel right. This, combined with his strange behavior, made her conclude that the Prince in front of her is some kind of an imposter, and she confronts him by saying that he isn’t the real Kahir. On the other hand, Kahir said that she must be still dizzy from her long sleep, and suggests that she should rest a bit more, and a clear head. Gina instinctively backs away, but as she looks into Kahir’s eyes, she feels as if she’s been hypnotized, and thinks that she will fall unconscious, again. But, at this moment, she hears the voice of real Kahir, yelling at the imposter to back away from Gina. After, hearing the voice of real Kahir, our character comes back to her senses and breaks eye contact with the imposter. The real Kahir explains that everything here is an illusion. They are still in the desert, trapped in the illusion created by the quicksand.

The false Kahir, yells at the real one, and our character is now completely confused. The real Kahir yells at Gina, urging her to come to him, and then they will escape the from illusion together. However, the false Kahir yells back, saying that he will not give up on Gina so easily, and draws his scimitar. The real Kahir draws his own blade and prepares for battle.

The fake Kahir grabs Gina’s arm tightly, saying that they will be together for an eternity, once he gets rid of the intruder. At this moment, our character was absolutely certain that Kahir next to her was an imposter. She tried to break free and run to the other Kahir with all her might, but the imposter was too strong. Finally, the fake Kahir has had enough. He raises his scimitar, ready to strike down Gina, saying that this way they will remain together forever, inside the illusion. Luckily, the real Kahir was fast enough, and he managed to parry the blow before the blade struck our character. Suddenly, the shape of the false Kahir starts to become blurry, and after a few moments, it completely disappears, alongside the palace. The illusion has been broken.

Suddenly, Gina and Kahir are back in the desert. All around them they can see pieces of armor and clothing, and they realize in horror that their entire escort has been swallowed by the quicksand, or lost in the mirage. Only the two of them were lucky enough to survive. Kahir remembered that his mother told him stories about the quicksand when he was a kid. She claimed that the quicksand lures its victims by creating all kinds of illusions. When he grew up the young prince thought that this was just a fairy tale, but now he found out that the story was actually true. Gina thinks that they are very lucky to be alive because the fake Kahir almost managed to trick her.

Gina explains to Kahir, that the fake Kahir knew everything about her. He tried to trap her inside of an illusion by impersonating Kahir and tempting her to marry him, knowing very well that Gina is in love with the young Prince. Luckily, the real Kahir managed to get there just in time to save her. But, Gina still can’t understand how the real Kahir managed to get inside her illusion. But, the young Prince explained that he was in front of a huge mirror, and could see inside it what was happening in Gina’s illusion, but couldn’t do anything to help her. However, once Gina exposed the fake Kahir as an imposter, the mirror shattered and the real Kahir immediately rushed to her aid. So, the real Kahir was also trapped in an illusion, and Gina managed to set him free, by exposing the imposter. Naturally, the Prince is grateful to Gina for saving him.

At this moment, Chapur suddenly shows up and interrupts their conversation. Well, the Magician explains that he didn’t expect that Gina and Kahir will be able to escape from the illusion. Gina yells at him to give her back the magic lamp that he stole, but Chapur ignores her. Instead, he said that the power of the magic lamp would be wasted in Gina’s hands. However, he promised that he will show them the real power of the magic lamp, and then he will kill them. With that, he raises his wand and starts chanting mystic words. The sand beneath his feet starts to swirl, and eventually forms into a huge vortex. A few moments later, dilapidated ruins rise out of the sand, and the magic lamp is hovering above them, wrapped in the thick black smoke of dark magic.

NOTE: If you chose “Unsure I shake my head” the stage will end here and you will unlock the next stage, 2-14.

Well, that brings us to the end of the stage 2-13. But what will happen next? Will Gina and Kahir be able to stop Chapur and retrieve the magic lamp? Find out in the next stage.

Thank you for reading. 

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