Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the first chapter “Prologue” of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for cases 01-04. 

Chapter 1: Prologue

CASE 01 “Find the violin”

Our first case will lead us through the basic tutorial that covers the interaction with items. Our first task is to repair the broken violin.

As the tutorial hand shows, tap on the couch to take a closer look at it.

In the lower half of the screen, we can view the couch up close. So, tap on the first part of the violin to pick it up.

We should now tap on the violin box to take a closer look at it.

In the lower half of the screen, we can now see the open violin box. So, drag the violin part into the box, like the hand on the screen is showing.

NOTE: Getting closer to an object to take a closer look at it, dragging an object to use it, and tapping on the object to pick it up / move it are the three item interactions that we will use throughout the game.

Ok, now tap on the bed sheet to take a closer look at it.

In the lower part of the screen, you will see another violin part, but it is partialy covered by the sheet. Tap on the sheet to move it aside, then tap on the violin part to pick it up.

Tap again on the violin box to take a closer look at it.

Finally, drag the second violin part, and you will assemble the violin.

CASE 2 “Find the other woman”

Our client thinks that her husband is cheating on her with another woman, and our task is to prove it.

You will get to use one free hint. To use a hint, tap on the “magnifying glass” icon at the top of the screen.

As you can see from the tutorial, the arrow will indicate the key position for solving the puzzle. So, let’s tap on the cabinet on our right to take a closer look at it.

As in the previous case, we have a closer look at the cabinet in the lower half of the screen. So, tap on the “Got it” button to remove the pop-up window, and then tap on the cabinet to open it.

Tap on the slice of cheese to pick it up.  

We can see that there’s a mouse hole in the wall on the left, and there’s an empty plate in front of it. Tap on the mouse hole to walk over to it and take a closer look.

Ok, now drag the slice of cheese from your inventory and place it on the empty plate.

Lured by the cheese, the mouse will get out of its hole. Tap on the mouse to pick it up.

Ok, now tap on the cheating husband to walk over to him and take a closer look.

We can see that the other woman is hiding under the bed. So, let’s use the mouse to make her leave her hiding place. Drag the mouse from the inventory and drop it on the other woman.

The woman will jump out from under the bed, and with that, we solved our second case.

CASE 3 “Food Battle”

In this case, our task is to help the chef by dealing with the mole infestation.

Tap on the garden on the right to walk over to it and take a closer look.

We can see a wooden mallet in the lower right corner of the screen. Our goal is to tap on the mole when it peeks out from its hole and smack it on the head with the wooden mallet. We will complete this task when we get rid of five moles.

In the upper half of the screen, you can see how many moles you managed to hit on the head. The last two moles will move significantly faster, and it can be difficult to hit them.

You will complete the task after hitting the fifth mole.

CASE 4 “Fox’s Rose”

In this case, our task is to grow a new rose for the sad fox.

In this room, we can see a beam of light coming out of the wolf’s head on the left. So, let’s check out the mirror on the left.

Tap on the mirror to rotate it.

The mirror on the left is now reflecting the ray of light to the other mirror. So, let’s check out the other mirror.

First, tap on the skulls to move them aside.

Now, tap on the mirror twice to rotate it to the correct position.

We can see that the beam of light has reached the other wolf’s head, and its eyes are now glowing red. Tap on the wolf skull on the right to take a closer look at it.

As soon as you approach the wolf’s head, some kind of seed will fall out of its mouth. Tap on the seed to pick it up.

Tap on the vase to take a closer look at it.

Drag the seed from the inventory into the vase.

As soon as you put the seed into the ground, a new rose will grow up, and with that, you completed the fourth case.