Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the fourth chapter “Daily Life” of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for cases 17-23. 

Chapter 4: Daily Life

In this chapter, our character decides to go back to his hometown and continue the search for his father.

CASE 17 “Puppy’s troubles”

In this case, our task is to dig up a locked box and find a way to open it.

We can see that there’s a shovel on the bench, so tap on the bench to take a closer look.

Tap on the shovel to pick it up.

We can also see that some kind of a note is sticking out of the garbage can, so tap on it to take a closer look.

We can see that there are three symbols on the note, a square, a circle, and a triangle. Tap on the note to pick it up.

It looks like the puppy was digging recently. Let’s take a closer look.

Drag the shovel and drop it on the freshly dug earth, and our character will dig up a locked box.

Tap on the box to pull it out of the hole.

Now, we have to enter the three symbols from the note in order to unlock the box. Tap on the fields of the box to change the symbols. We need a square, a circle, and a triangle.

As soon as you enter the correct symbols, the box will open and we will complete our seventeenth stage.

CASE 18 “The guy who stole the pizza”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option, and discover who stole the pizza.

Tap on the second option “Well, what did you just do”

Tap on the first option “What happened to your dog”

Tap on the second option “What did the doctor say”

Tap on the first option “Something indigestible?”

Tap on the “Oh! My cheese pizza. The dog stole it.”

With that, we solved our eighteenth case.

CASE 19 “Where did the ring go”

Well, in the intro to this case, we saw that the kitty swallowed an engagement ring, and our task is to find a way to retrieve the ring without hurting the kitty.

Tap on the yellow bucket to take a closer look.

Tap on the bucket and the fishing rod to pick them up.

Now, let’s go fishing. Tap on the small pond in the upper right corner of the screen.

Drag the bucket to fill it with water.

After that, tap on the bucket to pick it up.

Drag the fishing rod to the pond to start fishing.

When you hook the fish tap on the fishing rod to pull the fish out of the water.

Tap on the fish to pick it up.

Ok, let’s feed the cat. First, tap on the cat to go near it.

Drag the fish from the inventory and give it to the cat.

After eating the fish, the cat will poop. So, let’s look for the ring.

Drag the bucket from the inventory, and use the water to wash away the poop.

We managed to retrieve the ring without hurting the kitty, and with that, we solved our nineteenth case.

CASE 20 “The Last Supper”

In this case, our task is to help the old man to relive the memory of having supper with this wife, who passed away. Today is their anniversary.

The old man seems lost in his thoughts. Tap on him to take a closer look.

The old man is holding a torn photo in his hand. Tap on the photo to pick it up.

Tap on the box to take a closer look, and tap once more to open it. 

Tap on the bottle of glue to pick it up.

We can see that there’s a half of the photo on the cabinet on our left. Tap on the photo to examine it.

Drag half of the photo from the inventory to reassemble it.

Drag the bottle of glue from the inventory to glue the two pieces together.

As soon as we glued the two pieces together, the door opened and we can see a bright light shining through it. Tap on the door to go to the kitchen.

Tap on the woman in front of you. It seems that it is a ghost of the man’s wife. It also looks like she used to prepare a turkey for their anniversary. 

Ok, now tap on the garbage can to take a closer look.

Tap on the garbage inside the can several times and eventually, you will find a stove switch.

Tap on the sink to take a closer look.

We can see that there’s another switch inside the sink. Tap on the faucet to turn on the water.

Tap on the switch to pick it up.

Ok, now let’s take a look at the refrigerator.

Tap on the refrigerator to open it.

Inside you will see a turkey. Tap on the turkey to pick it up.

Ok, let’s make dinner for the old man. Tap on the oven to take a closer look.

Tap on the oven to open it.

Drag the turkey from your inventory and put it into the oven.

Drag the two switches from the inventory and place them into the slots on the oven.

The turkey is cooked, so tap on the oven to open it and then tap on the turkey to take it out.

Tap on the ghost of the old lady to start the interaction.

Drag the turkey from your inventory and give it to the old lady.

The ghost of the old lady will go to the previous room and serve dinner for her husband. And, with that, we completed the twentieth case.

CASE 21 “Troublemaking Niece”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on the second option “What are you doing, kid?”

Tap on the first option “This is Agent 007 reporting”

Tap on the first option “I’ll buy it for you”

Tap on the first option “Of course you can”

Tap on the first option “Who’s that kid?”

With that, we completed our twenty-first case.

CASE 22 “Travel’s meaning”

Lilith failed in an important violin competition, so our task is to help her chill and relax in a new town.

First, let’s take a closer look at the TV.

We can see buttons with four symbols on the right side a rhombus (green), a square blue, a circle (white), and a triangle (yellow). On the left side, we can see four images, and each one of them contains one of the symbols and a number, which represents the order in which we should press the buttons on the left. So,

First, tap on the Triangle (yellow) button

Second, tap on the rhombus (green) button 

Third, tap on the circle (white) button 

Fourth, tap on the square (blue) button

After pressing the correct buttons, the image of the birthday celebration will show up. In the lower right corner of the screen, we can see four numbers “1112”. Memorize this combination, because we will need it a bit later, to open a locked box.

For now, let’s tap on the gift box on the bed to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the box to open it, then tap on the scissors to pick it up.

Ok, now let’s take a look at the yellow box.

Drag the scissors from the inventory and use them open the box.

Ok, here we will use the code that we discovered by solving the TV puzzle. The combination was “1112”. Enter these numbers to open the box.

After opening the box, tap on the key to pick it up.

Tap on the wardrobe to take a closer look at it.

Use the key from your inventory to unlock the padlock.

Tap on the blue coat to pick it up.

Our character will automatically give the coat to Lilith, and she will go outside. Let’s go after her. Tap on the door to go outside.

Tap on Lilith to start the interaction.

It seems that Lilith is thinking about music because we can see four musical notes (blue, green, and pink musical notes). So, let’s first tap on the bluebird to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the musical note on the bluebird.

As soon as we tap on the musical note, the bird will start to sing, and Lilith will move closer to the boy that is standing below the tree. Ok, now let’s take a look at the green bird.

Tap on the musical note on the green bird.

As soon as we tap on the musical note, the bird will start to sing, and Lilith will move even closer to the boy that is standing below the tree. Finally, let’s take a look at the pink bird.

Tap on the musical note next to the pink bird.

The pink bird will start to sing, and Lilith and the boy will fall in love. With that, we completed the twenty-second task.

CASE 23 “Travel’s meaning”

In this case, our task is to use the time machine (that looks like a phone booth) to travel back to the past and plant a tree.

Ok, first tap on Doctor W. to start the interaction.

We can see that Doctor W. is sad because he didn’t plant a tree in this park when he was a kid. Ok, let’s tap on the bench to take a closer look at the items around it.

Tap on the landing fishing net to pick it up, and your character will automatically catch a fish in the small pond. 

Tap on the fish, in the net, to take it.

Let’s try out that time machine. Tap on the phone booth to take a closer look at it.

Doctor W is old now, but we can see three buttons that can be used for time travel. The middle button represents the time when he was in his middle age, and the left button represents the time when he was a kid. Let’s tap on the middle button to go to the time when he was in his middle age.

Tap on the doctor to start the interaction.

We can see that the doctor would like to give a fish to his hungry cat. Well, we already have a fish so that’s good news. We can also see that he is holding a small tree.

So, drag the fish from your inventory and give it to the doctor.

He will automatically give you the young tree, and will also use the fish to feed his cat.

Ok, now let’s take a look at the fast-food stand.

Tap on the chicken thigh to pick it up.

We should now travel back to the time when the doctor was a kid. So, tap on the phone booth.

Press the button on the left to travel to the time when the doctor was a kid.

We can see that the kid is afraid of the dog that is barking at it. So, tap on the dog to start the interaction.

Drag the chicken thigh from the inventory and use it to feed the dog.

After you took care of the dog, the kid will give you a shovel, and we can now plant the tree. So, tap on the ground next to the bench to take a closer look.

Drag the shovel from the inventory and use it to dig a hole.

Drag the young tree from the inventory and plant it into the ground.

Well, with that, our mission here is complete, and the only thing left to do now is to use the time machine to go back to our time. So, tap on the phone booth.

Tap on the button on the right to go back to our time.

After returning to our time, we can see that the tree has grown, and the doctor is now happily sitting below it. With that, we solved our twenty-third case.