Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the seventh chapter “Scary Town” of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for cases 38-43. 

Chapter 7: Scary Town

In this chapter, a police officer came to our office, seeking help with some cases that involved paranormal activity.

CASE 38 “Naughty Ghost”

In this case, our task is to investigate the strange events at the cemetery.

First, tap on the bench to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the book to move it aside, and below it, you’ll find a coin. Tap on the coin to pick it up.

Tap on the frightened man to take a closer look at him.

Tap on the scared man and he will throw you the vacuum cleaner.

Tap on the vacuum cleaner to pick it up.

Tap on the vending machine to take a closer look.

Drag the coin from your inventory and put it in the slot on the vending machine.

Well, we just bought ourselves a bottle of coca-cola, so tap on it to pick it up.

Now, tap on the open grave next to the ghost, to take a closer look at it.

We can see that this boy really liked coca-cola. So, drag the bottle of coca-cola from the inventory and place it on the grave.

After drinking the coca-cola, the ghost has some substance inside him. So, let’s use the vacuum cleaner to catch him. Drag the vacuum cleaner and drop it behind the ghost.

Well, we managed to suck in the ghost and capture it, and with that, we solved our thirty-eighth case.

CASE 39 “Temple treasure”

In this case, our task is to explore the ancient temple and find the long-lost treasure.

Tap on the strange panel in front of you to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the red button to move the switch. The door on the left will open.

Tap on the door to go to the next room.

This puzzle is a bit tricky. By standing on different pressure plates, we can bring up the statues. The goal is to bring up the statues in a specific pattern, and this pattern is represented on the wall as shining dots.

Ok, first, stand on the third pressure plate in a horizontal row.

Next, stand on the second pressure plate in a horizontal row.

Finally, stand on the first pressure plate in a horizontal row, and you will get the correct pattern. Also, the entrance to this chamber will open.

Tap on the door to go back to the previous room.

Ok, tap on the strange panel again.

Tap twice on the blue button to open the door on the right.

Tap on the door to go to the next room.

As soon as you enter this room, you will see a genie, and musical notes will appear next to him. Memorize the order of the musical notes. It’s a red, green, blue and lastly yellow musical note. After singing these musical notes, the genie will disappear.

Tap on the rod, located in the middle of the room, to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the buttons in the same order as the color of the musical notes. It was a red, green, blue and lastly yellow musical note.

After entering the correct musical notes, the exit from this chamber will open, so tap on the door to go back to the previous room.

Tap on the strange panel again.

Some kind of ticket will appear from the panel. Tap on the ticket to pick it up.

Tap on the middle door to take a closer look at it.

Drag the panel from the inventory and place it into the slot on the door.

Well, we managed to open the door, so let’s go into the third and final room.

Well, we just discovered the ancient treasure. Tap on it to pick it up.

After finding the treasure, we completed our thirty-ninth case.

CASE 40 “Save the Hostage”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on the second option “Who are you?”

Tap on the first option “I don’t have a wife”

Tap on the first option “No matter how less you make it, it’s got nothing to do with me!”

Tap on the second option “Did you really kidnap someone?”

Tap on the second option “1 million is too much Mr. Kidnapper”

Tap on “My father’s gone missing and I don’t know if he’s still alive. All the money I’ve made has been used to look for him”

Tap on the first option “My wife and I are childhood friends. I swore I’d protect her with my life but…”

Tap on the first option “My doctor told me I have cancer, and won’t live for long”

Well, the kidnapper felt sorry after hearing this and decide to let his hostage go. With that, we completed the fortieth case.

CASE 41 “Anonymous commission”

In this case, our task is to find a body of a missing person.

Tap on the bed to take a closer look at it.

Memorize the number on the ticket, then tap on the ticket to pick it up.

Tap on the window to take a closer look.

Tap on the switch to turn on the lights. Also, tap on the film behind the framed picture to pick it up.

After turning on the lights we can see that there’s something inside the lamp – looks like a key. So tap on the lamp to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the key to pick it up.

Tap on the camera to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the skeletal foot to pick it up.

Drag the movie from your inventory and drop it into the camera. The tap on the camera to turn it on.

Ok, let’s take a look at the picture from the camera. Tap on the wall behind your character.

Here, we can see the position of the rest of the bones. The hand should be near the camera, the rib cage is probably somewhere outside, and the skull should be in the middle of the room, but it isn’t there, at least not right now. So, let’s first look for the hand. Tap on the vase below the bed to take a closer look at it.

We can see bones sticking out from the ground. Tap on the bones twice, and you will find a skeletal hand.

Ok, let’s go outside and look for the ribcage. Tap on the front door to take a closer look at it.

Drag the key from the inventory and use it to unlock the door. Tap on the door to go outside, after unlocking it.

Tap on the grave located below the tree to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the ribcage to pick it up.

Ok, now let’s take a look at the phone booth.

Call the number that we saw on the ticket inside the house. It was “55678”. You can also tap on the ticket to view the number if you forgot it.

Ok, now let’s go back inside the house.

A box suddenly appeared in the middle of the room after we called that number from the phone boots. Tap on the box to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the box to open it, and inside you will find a shovel. Tap on the shovel to pick it up.

Ok, let’s go back outside. Tap on the door.

Tap on the grave on your left to take a closer look at it.

Drag the shovel from the inventory and use it to dig up the coffin.

Tap on the coffin to pull it out of the ground and tap once more to open it.

Drag the bones from your inventory and place them into the coffin.

After assembling the skeleton, we solved our forty-first case.

CASE 42 “Haunted House”

In this case, our task is to investigate the strange noises in the bedroom of a house that could be haunted.

Tap on the cabinet on your right to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the item below the cabinet to pick it up.

Well, it looks like we found an eye. Ok, now let’s check out the doll that is sitting in the chair.

The doll is missing an eye so drag the eye from your inventory and insert it into an empty slot.

After inserting the eye, the eyes on the doll will blink with red light. We should memorize the order in which the eyes blinked.

So, the eye on our left blinked three times, and then the eye on our right blinked twice. Memorize this information. Now, let’s check the cabinet behind the doll.

Tap the lock to start the interaction. Tap on the eye on your left three times, and then tap twice on the eye on your right.

We should now rearrange the vases. Change the position of the left and right vase.

After changing the position of the vases, the shadow forms the mandarin number “1521”. Memorize this number. Now, let’s tap on the stairs to take see what’s on the other side.

Tap on the panel to start the interaction, and then enter the number “1521” to unlock the door.

NOTE: The last number is “1” but the door opens automatically after entering the last number, so we couldn’t get it in the screenshot. 

Ok, now tap on the door through which our character just entered.

Tap on the scissors to pick it up.

Now, let’s take a look at the box on our left.

Drag the scissors from the inventory and use them to open the box.

Inside the box, you will find a cage and a slice of cheese. Tap on it to pick it up.

Tap on the bed to take a closer look at it.

Here, we can see a mouse running around the bed. Drag the cage with the slice of cheese from the inventory and drop it next to the mouse

Well, although this hose looks very creepy, it seems that the mouse was making all that noise, and scaring the inhabitants. So, with the mouse caught, we solved our forty-second case.

CASE 43 “Goodbye my Lilith”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on “What the hell?”

Tap on the second option “Oh, I know who it is”

Tap on “Only you tell such terrible jokes, Lilith”

Tap on the second option “I haven’t been able to get in contact with you. Where are you now?”

Tap on “Is it the violin you brought with you when you first got to town?”

Tap on “The violin is reminding me of you when your first came to town”

Tap on the second option “Perhaps you came to this town so you and Mark could be together?”

Tap on “Thank you for saying that. I want to meet you as soon as possible!”

Tap on the second option “Haha, are you’re saying you’re a tree next to me?”

Tap on “Your joke is scaring me”

Tap on the first option “Who killed you?”

Tap on “Lilith!”

And with that, we solved our forty-third case.