Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the eighth chapter “Sea of Fate” of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for cases 44-49. 

Chapter 8: Sea of Fate

In this chapter, a man came to our office and he wants to hire us to catch a thief that stole his heart… I guess he fell in love and now he wants us to help him find this person.

CASE 44 “Posthumous Manuscript”

In this case, our task is to find the posthumous works of a famous novelist. 

Ok, first we should find a way to turn on the lights, so tap on the board on your right to take a closer look at it.

This puzzle is very tricky, but it can be solved in five simple steps. So, how does it work? We have a three-by-three grid in front of us, with 9 tiles in total. Every time you tap on a tile, you will change its state and the state of the adjacent tiles, by activating/deactivating them (turning on the light or shutting them down). The goal is to activate all nine tiles. We will start by activating the four tiles in the corner while deactivating the tiles adjacent to them. After we did that, we only have to tap on the middle tile to solve this puzzle. Sounds complicated, but everything will be much clearer once we begin.

Step 1

Tap on the first tile (left to right) in the third row (bottom left corner)

By tapping, we will activate this tile and the two tiles next to it – the first tile in the second row and the second tile in the third row.

Step 2

Tap on the third tile in the third row (bottom right corner)

By tapping, we will activate this tile and the third tile in the second row, while deactivating the second tile in the third row.

Step 3

Tap on the first tile in the first row (upper left corner)

By tapping, we will activate this tile and the second tile in the first row, while deactivating the first tile in the second row.

Step 4

Tap on the third tile in the first row (upper right corner)

By tapping, we will activate this tile while deactivating the second tile in the first row, and the third tile in the second row.

Step 5

Tap on the second tile in the second row (the one in the middle). This will activate all tiles that are currently inactive, and with that, we managed to turn on the lights.

Ok, with the lights turn on, we can take a look around the room. Let’s check out the safe on our right.

Tap on the safe to open it, and inside you will see a Matryoshka doll (Russian nesting doll) and a torn note. Tap on both items to pick them up.

Ok, let’s see what we can find upstairs. Tap on the door on your right. 

Tap on the Matryoshka doll to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the doll to open it, and another doll we will spawn next to the first one. Tap on the second doll after that, and it will open up and the third doll will come out of the second one.

Ok, there is one empty space left, so let’s use the doll from our inventory to complete the collection of Matryoshka dolls. Drag the doll from the inventory and place it into the marked space.

We can see that there’s another piece of note inside the green doll, so tap on it to pick it up.

Ok, let’s check out the top floor. Tap on the door on your left.

Tap on the telescope to take a closer look at it.

Here we can see four symbols. Try to memorize the symbols and then tap on the map to pick them up.

Ok, let’s go back to the first floor. Tap on the door on the third floor, and then tap on the door on the second floor to get down.

Now, let’s tap on the chest, located in the bottom left corner, to take a closer look at it.

We can see that the symbols on the chest are similar to the symbols represented on the map that we found upstairs. So, let’s tap on the map in our inventory to take a closer look at it.

We can see that the symbols on the chest are the same as the symbols on the map. The first symbol on the chest is a triangle, and the fourth symbol on our map is also a triangle. By looking at the map, we can see that there’s another symbol inside the triangle, and we should enter this symbol on the first field of the chest in order to solve this puzzle.

Tap on the first field, and enter the symbol that we saw inside the triangle.

Ok, now, bring up the map again by tapping on it and take a look at the other symbols. There is already a correct symbol in the second field, so let’s take a look at the third symbol. Inside the third symbol is a star.

Since we already have the correct symbol in the second field, tap on the third field and enter a star.

Finally, let’s bring up the map again, and take a look at the fourth symbol.

Enter the fourth symbol to solve the puzzle.

After entering the fourth symbol, the chest will automatically open. Tap on the piece of note inside it to pick it up.

Ok, now tap on the book on your right to take a closer look at it.

Drag the first piece of note from the inventory, and use it to reassemble the page.

Drag the third piece of note from the inventory, and use it to reassemble the second page.

Finally, drag the last piece of note from the inventory, and use it to reassemble the third page.

With that, we completed our forty-fourth case.

CASE 45 “The Magician’s Trouble”

Magician’s animals have escaped from their cages, and in this case, our task is to find them and bring them back.

Ok, first tap on the toolbox on your right to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the toolbox to open it and inside you’ll find a flashlight. Tap on the flashlight to pick it up.

Ok, in the intro we saw that the mouse hid under the armchair, so let’s tap on the armchair to take a closer look at it.

Drag the flashlight from the inventory and use it to illuminate the space below the armchair.

We found a mouse, so tap on it to pick it up.

In the intro we saw that the rest of the animals went upstairs, so let’s go after them.

Tap on the hats on your left to take a closer look.

Well, we can see the rabbit in the middle hat, so let’s tap on it.

As soon as we tapped on the rabbit, the hats shuffled and now we have to guess under which one the rabbit hid. However, the rabbit isn’t actually below any of the three hats. Drag to the right, just above the hats, and you will see a bookshelf.

The rabbit is here, hiding behind some books. Tap on the books to move them aside, then tap on the rabbit to pick them up.

Ok, let’s go upstairs and see if we can find the last animal.

Tap on the doors to take a closer look at them.

Tap on the door on your right (this door is marked with the circle)

As you can see at the bottom of the screen, the circle marks our entry point. Our goal here is to find a way true the maze and get to the pigeon. You can see the solution in the image below. This puzzle is easy to solve, you just have to avoid the ghost that is on your path.

Tap on the pigeon to pick it up, and then exit the maze by following the same path.

Ok, we collected all the animals, and we should now put them back into their cages. Tap on the door to go to the second floor, then tap on the next door to get to the first floor.

Tap on the cages to start the interaction.

Drag the animals from your inventory and drop them inside the cages.

With that, we completed our forty-fifth case.

CASE 46 “Misunderstanding”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on “What is it?”

Tap on the first option “Is it human?”

Tap on the first option “Are there footprints around it?”

Tap on the first option “It shouldn’t be lamb’s doing.”

Tap on “We should get closer to find other clues.”

Tap on the second option “The bones didn’t turn dark.”

Tap on “It shouldn’t be poison.”

Tap on “It isn’t poisoned or killed by a wild beast.”

Tap on “Did someone dump the body here?”

Tap on “Isn’t this a human anatomy model from the professor’s lab?”

And with that, we solved our forty-sixth case.

CASE 47 “Let the music begin”

In this case, the musicians are having trouble with their instruments, and our task is to help them out.

First, let’s tap on the pictures on the wall to take a closer look at them.

We can see that the pirate is playing the drum, but he is looking to the left. Let’s exchange the positions of these two pictures. To do that, drag the picture of the pirate to the right.


The pirate will leave the drum and go for the treasure in the other picture. So, tap on the drum to pick it up.

Ok, tap on the door on the right to go to the second floor.

Tap on the door on the second floor to take a closer look.

Tap on the door to open it then tap on the drunk girl to start the interaction.

Ok, the stars on the fingernails are a clue that we will need in order to solve the next puzzle. The number of the stars on the fingernails represents the order of the colors, so let’s memorize it.

First = Green

Second = Red

Third = Purple

Fourth = Yellow

Fifth = Black 

Ok, now let’s check out the third floor.

Tap on the door on your right to take a closer look.

Tap on the switch on your left to unlock the door – the marker on the switch will change from red to green.

Tap on the door to open it, then tap on the toilet brush to pick it up.

Ok, now let’s go back to the first floor.

Under the table, you will notice a violin case. Tap on it to take a closer look.

Tap on the violin case to pull it out, and you will see five slots. Here, we should use the information that we discovered on the second floor by looking at the fingernails. So, we need to enter the correct colors into the five slots in order to solve this puzzle. The order of the colors was,

First = Green

Second = Red

Third = Purple

Fourth = Yellow

Fifth = Black

NOTE: You can also tap again on the door on the second floor to see the colors on the fingernails.

After entering the correct colors, the case will automatically open, so tap on the violin to pick it up.

Tap on the man who is playing the trumpet to start the interaction.

Drag the toilet brush from the inventory and use it to clean the trumpet.

Ok, we solved the problem of the first musician. Let’s continue. Tap on the guy on your right.

Drag the drum from the inventory and give it to the musician.

Ok, we solved two problems, now we just have to hand over the violin to the drunk girl. Tap on the door to go to the second floor.

Tap on the drunk girl to start the interaction.

Drag the violin from the inventory and give it to the drunk girl.

With that, we gave the instruments to the musicians and solved our forty-seventh case.

CASE 48 “Emergency Rescue”

In this case, our task is to rescue the passengers and escape from the sinking ship before the time runs out. You will have only two minutes to complete this mission.

First, tap on the suitcase to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the suitcase to open it, and inside you’ll find a lockpick and duct tape. Tap on both items to pick them up.

Next, tap on the hatch door wheel to take a closer look.

Tap on the hatch door wheel to pick it up.

Ok, now tap on the man on your left to start the interaction.

We can see that the man is handcuffed to the pipe. Drag the lockpick from your inventory and use it to unlock the handcuffs.

To unlock the handcuffs, we should tap on the pins in a specific order. Looking from right to left,

First, tap on the first pin

Then, tap on the fourth pin

Then, tap on the third pin

And finally, tap on the second pin

With that, we managed to unlock the handcuffs and release the first passenger. Ok, now let’s head to the second floor.

Tap on the cable on the far left side to take a closer look at it.

Drag the duct tape from the inventory and use it to repair the cable.

With the cable repaired, the door on the second floor opened, and we saved the woman who was trapped inside. Ok, let’s go to the third floor.

Tap on the lever to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the lever and the crane will move to the right. Wait for the crane to get all the way to the right, and it will pick up a wooden board.

After the crane picks up the board, tap on the lever again, and the crane will move to the left, dropping the wooden board, which we can now use as an improvised bridge.

Tap on the door on your right to take a closer look at it.

Drag the hatch door wheel from the inventory and place it inside the slot on the door.

To unlock the door, the symbols on the wheel on the right have to be arranged in the same order as the symbols on the wheel on the left. So, tap three times on the green arrow to rotate the symbols and unlock the door.

After we unlocked the door, our character and passengers escaped from the sinking ship, and with that, we solved our forty-eighth case.

CASE 49 “Starry Nightmare”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on “Of course. I’ll tell nobody about this.”

Tap on the first option “Photos at home?”

Tap on the first option “Perhaps they installed secret cameras.”

Tap on “Did anyone visit your home lately?”

Tap on “What’s the purpose of their visit?”

Tap on “Let’s close the lights to find cameras in the living room.”

Tap on the second option “The etiquette instructor probably installed the camera.”

And with that, we solved our forty-ninth case.