Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for the ninth chapter “Skipping Class Again” of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for cases 50-55. 

Chapter 9: Skipping Class Again

In this chapter, the professor came back, seeking our help with his mischievous students.

CASE 50 “Where did the test papers go?”

In this case, our task is to find the missing test papers.

First, tap on the professor to start the interaction.

We can see that he is missing four tests, and we will have to find them. Ok, let’s tap on the multicolored book to take a closer look at it.

We can see that some papers are hidden under the books. Tap on the paper to move the books aside.

The test paper has been torn into several pieces and our task is to reassemble it, by dragging the pieces to the scheme on the right. The piece of paper with the red letter “A” should be placed in the top left corner.

The next piece of paper should be placed in the top-right slot.

The next piece of paper should be placed in the middle left slot.

The next piece of paper should be placed in the middle right slot.

The next piece of paper should be placed in the bottom left slot.

And, the final piece of paper should be placed in the bottom right slot.

With that, we managed to reassemble the test. So, tap on the test to pick it up.

Ok, let’s look for the other tests. Tap on the glass bottle to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the glowing glass bottle to pick it up.

Tap on the green door on your right to take a closer look.

Tap on the door to open it.

It’s very dark in this room, so drag the glowing bottle from your inventory and use it to illuminate the room.

After illuminating the room, we can see that one of the tests is hanging from the wall. Tap on the test to pick it up.

Ok, we found two out of four test papers. Let’s head outside and look for the other two test papers.

There’s something sticking out from the nearby brush, so let’s take a closer look at it.

Tap on the ladder to pick it up.

Next, tap on the garbage can to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the garbage can to spill out the trash.

Well, we found one of the missing test papers, but the dog woke up and took it away. So, let’s see what we can do about it. Tap on the turd to pick it up.

Tap on the dog to start the interaction.

Drag the turd from the inventory and place it under the dog’s nose. This will “neutralize” the dog, and our character will be able to take the test paper.

Ok, if you look closely, you can see that there’s a piece of paper between the two windows. Tap on the piece of paper to take a closer look.

Drag the ladder from the inventory and place it against the wall.

Sweep down and our character will climb up the ladder.

Tap on the piece of paper to pick it up. This is just one-half of the fourth test paper, and we will have to find the other one.

Ok, tap on the front door to get back to the classroom.

Tap on the bookshelf to take a closer look.

Drag the ladder and place it against the bookshelf.

Just as before, sweep down and our character will climb up the ladder.

Tap on the other half of the test paper to pick it up.

Ok, we found all four tests, and we should now give them back to the professor. So, tap on the professor to start the interaction.

Drag the test papers from the inventory and give them to the professor.

After returning the test papers, we solved our fiftieth case.

CASE 51 “Catch the thief”

In this case, our task is to catch the thief who stole various items from the school.

Tap on the professor to start the interaction.

Well, we will have to borough a professor’s glasses. So, tap on the glasses to pick them up.

Next, tap on the green door to take a closer look.

Tap on the green door again, and the locking mechanism with the six buttons will appear. We, have to press the buttons in the correct order to open the door. Let’s start.

First, tap on the left button in the bottom row.

Second, tap on the right button in the upper row.

The third is the left button in the middle row.

Fourth is the right button in the bottom row.

Fifth is the right button in the middle row.

Finally, tap on the left button in the top row to unlock the door.

Inside you’ll see a bone and a gas. Tap on both items to pick them up.

Ok, now let’s head outside.

First, let’s tap on the dog to start the interaction.

Drag the bone from the inventory and give it to the dog.

After it takes the bone, the dog will dig up something from the ground. Let’s see what it found. Tap on the hole to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the item inside the hole and our character will pull out a metal container. Tap on the container to start the interaction.

To solve this puzzle, we have to place all three black dots on the left, as indicated by the arrow. By tapping on the discs, we can rotate them. So, let’s start.

First, let’s rotate the outer disc. Tap on it five times to align the dot with the arrow.

Next, tap on the middle disc once to align the middle dot with the arrow.

Finally, tap on the inner disc once to align the inner dot with the arrow.

After aligning the dots with the arrow, the metal container will automatically open and we can see a bundle of torches inside. Tap on one of the torches to pick it up.

Ok, in the upper left corner of the screen we can see a small area that is illuminated by the sun rays. Tap on it to take a closer look.

Let’s light up the torch. First, drag the glasses from the inventory and drop them inside the smaller circle. Then, drag the torch from the inventory and drop it inside the larger circle.

We managed to light the torch, so tap on it to pick it up.

Let’s now take a closer look at the shaft lid.

Tap on the lid to move it aside, and you will see someone hiding inside the hole. Drag the gas can from the inventory and our character will pour the gas into the hole.

Let’s start the fire. Drag the torch from the inventory and drop it into the hole.

After we set the fire, the thief had to jump out of his hiding place, and with that, we solved our fifty-first case.

CASE 52 “Truants during Outrage”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on “Of course.”

Tap on the first option “The children shouldn’t be far away.”

Tap on “And it’s raining outside.”

Tap on “Is there anything suspicious in the classroom?”

Tap on the second option “Why is there a ladder?”

Tap on “Its appearance should reveal something.”

Tap on “We should climb out the ladder to check.”

Tap on the second option “Something’s wrong with the ceiling.”

Tap on “Let’s move it to see.”

And with that, we solved our fifty-second case.

CASE 53 “Three Naughty Kids”

In this case, our task is to find the three missing students.

First, let’s tap on the professor to start the interaction.

We can see that the professor is worried because three of his students are missing. Tap on the TV to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the yellow item next to the TV to pick it up.

Let’s go outside, and see what we can find. Tap on the front door.

Tap on the water hydrant to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the valve to turn on the water.

Ok, now let’s take a closer look at the two holes.

Drag the water hose and use it to fill the empty hole with water.

After we filled the hole with water, we can see that somebody is using a small pipe to breathe. Drag the yellow item that we found in the classroom, and use it to block the airflow to the pipe.

After we blocked his airflow, one of the boys had to jump out of the hole. We found one student, so let’s look for the other two. Tap on the red can to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the lit match to pick it up.

Ok, we can clearly see that someone is hiding in the nearby brush. So, let’s tap on the brush to take a closer look.

Drag the match from the inventory and use it to set the brush on fire.

One of the students was hiding in the brush, but when we set it on fire, he had to come out of his hiding place. So far, we have found two out of three missing students. Let’s continue. Tap on the stone to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the stone to pick it up.

Ok, now let’s go back inside.

Tap on the window to take a closer look at it.

Drag the stone from the inventory and use it to smash the glass.

Ok, now let’s go back outside.

Tap on the broken glass to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the piece of glass to pick it up.

Ok, now let’s go back inside.

Tap on the desk to take a closer look at it.

We can see that one of the students is hiding under the desk. Drag the piece of glass from the inventory and use it to poke the student.

After we poked him with the piece of glass, the last missing student jumped out of his hiding place, and with that, we solved our fifty-third case.

CASE 54 “Mouse Extermination”

In this case, our task is to find and exterminate the mice.

First, tap on the professor to start the interaction.

It seems that we will have to catch three mice. Tap on the desk to take a closer look at it.


Tap on the balloon to pick it up.

Tap on the cabinet to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the cabinet to open it, then tap on the one fish to pick it up (we won’t need more than one).

Well, it looks like the fat kid is having trouble with the gases, again. Tap on him to start the interaction.

Drag the balloon from the inventory and use it to gather the gas. After that, tap on the balloon to pick it up.

Tap on the mouse hole to take a closer look at it.

We can see that the mouse is hiding inside the hole. Let’s flush it out. Drag the balloon from the inventory and release the gas into the hole.

The poor mouse couldn’t handle the stench and was forced out of his hole. Tap on the mouse to pick it up.

Tap on the green door to take a closer look.

Tap on the door to open it. Drag the toilet plunger and use it to pull out the mouse from the toilet.

Tap on the mouse to pick it up. Ok, we got two mice, only one more and we’re done.

Let’s go outside. Tap on the front door.

Tap on the bucket to take a closer look at it.

Drag the bucket over the well to fill it with water.

Tap on the bucket to pick it up.

Tap on the cat to start the interaction.

Drag the fish from the inventory and give it to the cat.

The cat will bring out the small bird from the bushes. Tap on the cat t approach it, then tap on the bird to pick it up.

Ok, now tap on the two holes in the ground to take a closer look.

We saw that the mouse ran into the upper hole. Drag the garbage can and spill the garbage into the hole.

Drag the water bucket from the inventory and fill the other hole with water.

After we filled its hole with water, the mouse had to come out. So, tap on the mouse to pick it up.

Ok, let’s get back to the professor and give him the mice. Tap on the front door.

Tap on the professor to start the interaction.

Drag the mice from the inventory and give them to the professor.

With that, we rid the school of mice and solved our fifty-fourth case. 

CASE 55 “Imp”

In this case, our task is to choose the correct dialog option and solve the case.

Tap on “Good afternoon.”

Tap on the first option “Ghosts don’t exist.”

Tap on “What is it?”

Tap on the second option “So, it isn’t afraid of running into people?”

Tap on the second option “Did anyone hear what it was trying to say?”

Tap on “So it is a brat.”

Tap on “Can this imp be Joseph’s daughter?”

And, with that, we solved our fifty-fifth case.