Hello everyone and welcome to the walkthrough for Case Files of the Case Hunter, puzzle game. On this page, you can find the solution for Case Files 1-3.

The Case Files are a bit different than the standard cases because, in this chapter, you will be investigating murder cases. The gameplay is also a bit different. In the first part of the investigation, we will gather clues, collect the evidence, and take statements from the witnesses. In the second part of the investigation, we will reconstruct the case, uncover the motive for the crime, and finally, arrest the murderer.   

Case File 01 “Train Murderer”

In this case, our task is to investigate the murder on the train. Four people were traveling together when one of them suddenly died, so that leaves us with three potential suspects.

We should first examine the passengers, and look for clues. Tap on the first passenger to approach him, then tap on the icon next to his head to gather the information.

The name of the first passenger is Joseph, and he is traveling with his wife. The only suspicious thing about him is the very large suitcase that he brought on this trip. So let’s take a look at that suitcase.

NOTE: You can check the information about suspects by clicking on the second icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

So let’s take a look at that suitcase. Tap on the suitcase to take a closer look at it, then tap again to open it.

Tap on the items inside the bag to examine them. It seems that Joseph brought photographic equipment on this trip, because he wants to make a lot of high-quality photos, and preserve the memory of the first trip with his wife. Well, there’s nothing suspicious about that.

NOTE: You can check all the clues that you gathered so far by clicking on the first icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

Ok, let’s check the next passenger.

It seems that this man has something in his pocket. Tap on the pocket to take a closer look at the items inside. Then tap again to pick up the items.

The name of this passenger is George. He had three tickets in his pocket, and he claims that he forgot to buy a return ticket for his wife. Well, this is very suspicious because his wife was murdered on the train, as we will discover in a moment.

Ok, let’s move to the right and take a closer look at the victim. Again, tap on the icon next to the victim to gather clues.

The victim’s name was Sherry, and it seems that she died of poisoning, because there are no visible injuries on her body.

Well, it looks like our victim and her husband were drinking coffee right before she died, let’s take a closer look at her coffee cup. First, tap on the table to start the interaction, then tap on the coffee cup to examine it.

There is no poison inside her coffee, but we can see the lipstick marks on her coffee cup.

Well, that means she was poisoned in some other way. Let’s check her bag. First tap on the bag to take a closer look at it, then tap again to examine it.

There’s something green on the lipstick. Let’s take a closer look.

After examining the lipstick, our detective discovered that it was smeared in poison. So, we have discovered the cause of death and the poisoned item. Let’s continue.

Let’s see what we can find out about George. First, tap on him to start the interaction, and then tap on the icon to gather the information.

George is the husband of the deceased, and he seems very nervous. Since he also bought only three tickets, he should be our primary suspect. Besides that, there is some kind of bottle with the green liquid right next to him. We should take a closer look at that bottle since the poison on the lipstick was also green.

Yup, we found the bottle of poison, right next to George, so he is almost definitely the killer.

Well, we found all the clues, so let’s tap on the button in the upper right corner.

Next, tap on “Study Case”.

Now we have to analyze the evidence and determine what item was used as the “murder weapon”. You can tap on each item to read the description. There are five possible choices: photographic equipment, train tickets, a coffee cup, lipstick, and a bottle of poison. Well, there was no poison in the coffee, and we found traces of poison on the lipstick… So, drag the lipstick and place it into the empty slot. After that, tap on the “Verify” button.

Let’s continue.

Our detective thinks that the husband of the deceased is suspicious because he only bought three train tickets. He didn’t buy a return ticket for his wife, because he knew that she want be coming back from this journey. It’s obvious that George poisoned his wife.

So, drag the train tickets and place them into the empty slot. After that, tap on the verify button.

Ok, it’s time to conclude this case. Tap on the “Point out the criminal” button.

It’s time for us to conclude the case and arrest the murderer. You can check the clues that we gathered so far by tapping on the buttons on the top of the screen. However, we already concluded that George committed the crime, so tap on George to select him. After that, tap on the “Point out” button.

Well, we discovered that George used poison to kill his wife, and he was planning to do this even before they boarded the train. Our detective arrested George and, with that, we solved our first case file.

Case File 02 “Coke Murderer”

Coco was found dead in her bathtub, and our detective has to investigate her death and find the murderer.

First, let’s tap on Coco to take a closer look at her.

Somebody threw a hairdryer into the bathtub while Coco was inside it. The hairdryer is still plugged into the socket, so it’s too dangerous to examine the body. With that said, let’s tap on the socket to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the cable to unplug it.

Ok, with the electricity turned off, we can now take a closer look at the body. Tap on the Coco to take a closer look at her, and then tap on the button next to Coco to examine the body.

Tap on Coco to take a photo of her body. This photo will be added to your evidence. After examining the body, the detective concluded that Coco drank cola before she died. Interesting…

Ok, let’s see what else we can find. Tap on the sink to take a closer look at it. Then tap on the empty bottle to pick it up.

Well, that’s it for the bathroom. Tap on the door to go to the next room.

We can see two of Coco’s roommates inside this room. We will interrogate them a bit later. First, let’s tap on the window to take a look outside.

Tap on the window again to take a photo. It is raining heavily outside. Well, this clue might prove useful for our investigation.

Ok, let’s take a closer look at the big, grey box, located close to the window. Tap on the box to open it.

Well, we can see that one of the bottles is missing. Drag the bottle from the inventory and place it into the empty slot.

We can see that all the bottles belonged to one of Coco’s roommates. Tap on the bottles to take a photo of the evidence.

Bob, one of Coco’s roommates, has collected four cokes and wanted to exchange them for the golden coke. However, it looks like Coco drank one of his cokes. Could this be a motive for murder?

Ok, it’s now time to interrogate the roommates. Let’s start with Bob. First, tap on him to start the interaction, then tap on the button next to him to acquire information about Bob.

Well, as we already know, Bob was one of Coco’s roommates. Interestingly, only the lower half of his body is wet. Let’s tap on the “yellow dots” to interrogate Bob.

Bob claims that he just came from outside, which is very strange because only his legs are wet. At this point, I would say that Bob is our primary suspect, since he had the motive, and he is most likely lying.

Tap on Bob again to take his testimony.

Ok, let’s interrogate the other roommate. First, tap on him to start the interaction, then tap on the icon next to him to gather the information.

The roommate’s name is Kevin, and he is completely drenched. So, Kevin was probably outside, at the time of the murder.

Let’s tap on the “yellow dots” to interrogate Kevin.

Yup, he was outside and came back a few minutes ago. He is completely drenched so his story does make sense.

Tap on Kevin again to take his testimony.

Ok, we gathered all clues, so let’s go through the evidence. Tap on the icon in the upper right corner.

Tap on “Study Case” to begin.

Well, we already concluded that Coco and Bob weren’t getting along, now we just have to present the evidence that backs up this claim. So, let’s drag the photo of cola bottles and the photo of Coco’s body to the empty slots. I think that Coco’s body is part of the evidence because the detective discovered that she drank cola before her death.

Tap on the “Verify” button, once you’re done.

Well, the detective concluded that Bob was very angry because Coco drank his cola. Let’s continue.

One of Coco’s roommates is lying. Well, we already know that Bob lied because he claimed that he was outside when Coco was murdered. However, it was raining heavily all day, and only his legs were wet, which means that he wasn’t outside. On the other hand, Kevin was completely drenched, so he is telling the truth.

Drag both Bob’s and Kevin’s statements to the empty slots. Also, drag the photo to the empty slot.

After that, tap on the “Verify” button.

Ok, we’re now certain that Bob committed the murder. Let’s proceed to the final part of this investigation.

Tap on Bob to select him, then tap on the “Point out” button.

The detective concluded that Bob committed the murder because only his legs were wet, which means that he didn’t go outside. Instead, he got wet when he entered the bathtub to push down the Coco. Also, Coco drank one of Bob’s colas and this was a motive for murder. Our detective arrested Bob, and with that, we solved our second case file.

Case File 03 “Fake Successor”

The famous novelist died, and at his funeral, three women appeared, and all of them claim that they are his daughters. However, the novelist had only one daughter. Our task, in this case, is to discover which one of them is the real daughter and arrest the impostors.

Ok, let’s first tap on the woman on our right to start the interaction. After that, tap on the icon next to her head to gather the information. This is Daughter A.

Let’s check out the woman on our left. Tap on the woman to start the interaction, then tap on the icon next to her head to gather the information. This is Daughter B.

Finally, let’s check out the woman next to the coffin. Tap on the woman to start the interaction, then tap on the icon next to her head to gather the information. This is Daughter C.

Well, each one of them claims that she is really a daughter… We don’t have a single clue, so let’s check out the novelist’s body.

Tap on the smoking pipe to pick it up.

Before we leave, tap on the water bucket located in the lower-left corner of the room to take a closer look at it, then tap again to pick it up.

Ok, I think we’re finished here. Tap on the door to go to the next area. After that, tap on the “Novelist’s house” on the map.

Tap on the fridge on your left to take a closer look at it.

Tap on the fridge door to open it, then tap on the onion to pick it up.

Ok, now tap on the cutting board to take a closer look at it.

Drag the onion from the inventory and place it on the cutting board.

Drag the knife and use it to cut the onion in half.

Tap on the onion to pick it up.

Ok, now tap on the fireplace to take a closer look at it.

Now, drag the smoking pipe from the inventory and light it up by using the fire in the fireplace. After that, pick up the smoking pipe.

Let’s check out the picture on our right.

Ok, we should burn the fruit painted on the picture. So, drag the pipe from the inventory and use it to burn the fruit.

After we burned the fruit, we can see some numbers that were hidden below it. Looking at it from left to right, we have “0811”. Memorize this number.

Now, tap on the safe to check it out.

Enter the code “0811” that we discovered after burning the fruit with the smoking pipe.

The safe will automatically open and we can see a photo of a novelist and his daughter. Tap on the photo to examine it, and the detective will file it as part of the evidence.

Ok, it’s time to go back. Tap on the door to exit, then tap on the “Funeral Parlour”.

Ok, it’s time to find out which one of these women is lying. Tap on daughter A (the one on our right)

Drag the onion and place it next to the nose of daughter A.

Well, as expected, she started to cry, but nothing else happened. Ok, now drag the bucket with water from the inventory and spill it over daughter A’s head.

No reaction. Ok, let’s check out the daughter B (the one on our left)

Drag the onion and place it next to the nose of daughter B.

As expected, she started to cry, but nothing else happened. Ok, now drag the bucket with water from the inventory and spill it over daughter B’s head.

Hmm, it looks like daughter B has blond hair. When we found the photo, we saw that the natural hair color of the novelist’s daughter is dark, so daughter B is an impostor. Tap on the Daughter B to take her photo.

Finally, let’s check out daughter C (the one standing next to the coffin)

Drag the onion and place it next to the nose of daughter C.

As expected, she started to cry, and her contact lenses fell out, revealing that she has black eyes – not green as the daughter in the photo. So, daughter C is also an impostor. Tap on daughter C to take her photo.

Well, we gathered all the clues, so tap on the button in the upper right corner to start the second phase of the investigation. The tap on “Study Case” to proceed.

Well, while we were in the novelist’s house we found a photo of him and his daughter. So, drag the photo from the inventory and place it into the empty slot. After that, tap on the “Verify” button.

Well, by looking at the photo, we’re certain that the real daughter has dark hair and blue eyes (although, to me, it looks like she has green eyes). Tap on the “Continue” button.

We know that daughters B and C are lying, so drag their photos and place them into the empty slots. After that, tap on the “Verify” button.

Finally, tap on the “Point out the criminal”.

Tap on Daughter B and Daughter C to select them, then tap on the “Point out” button.

The detective arrested Daughter B and Daughter C after exposing them as impostors. Daughter A, the real one, inherited the wealth of her father. With that, we solved our third case file.