NOTE: Stage 2-10 will be unlocked if you chose the search “Near the round table” and “Apologize” to Kahir options in stage 2-3. So, this branching of the story jumps from stage 2-3 to stage 2-10.

NOTE 2: If you chose to “Follow the Prime Minister” during stage 2-2 you will be able to successfully complete this stage and unlock 2-11. If you chose to “Follow Chapur” during stage 2-2, you will get a bad ending. We will show both choices in this guide.

Hello and welcome to our Dress up! Magic Lamp stage 2-10 full walkthrough and guide. In the previous stage (2-3), Gina had a dream in which she saw Light surrounded by fog. She tried to reach him, to call out to him, but she couldn’t. Light smiled at her, and as the fog thickened, he vanished from existence. Afraid that Light might be truly gone, Gina jumped out of the bed and rubbed the magic lamp as hard as she could, while calling for Light to come out. But, there was no answer. Afraid that she might lose her friend forever, Gina decided to sneak into the palace and steal the flawless ruby from Kahir’s scimitar. At the time, she believed that the flawless ruby was the gemstone that was missing from the magic lamp. On her way to the palace, Gina noticed that the security is very light, so she easily sneaked into Kahir’s study. Once there she decided to look for a scimitar “Near the round table”. However, while she was looking for the scimitar she accidentally broke the vase. The guard, alerted by the noise charged into the room and caught her. Having no other options, Gina admitted that she is Kahir’s friend and begged the guard to take her to the Prince so she can explain herself. Once they reached Kahir, he sent the guard away so that he can to Gina in private. Our character admitted she tried to steal the flawless ruby, and explained the entire situation to Kahir, informing him about the magic lamp and Light. After that, Gina chose the “Apologize” to Kahir option. Kahir decided to forgive her. He also said that they are true friends and decided to give her the flawless ruby so that she can revive Light. Needless to say, Gina was overjoyed by Kahir’s generosity. The Prince only asked Gina to have trust in him, in the future.

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Hesitantly, Gina takes the flawless ruby, knowing that Kahir is risking a lot by allowing her to borrow his family heirloom. It was raining outside, so Kahir offered to send someone to escort Gina, but she refused, claiming that she can get back to her room, on her own. However, Kahir is concerned. He explains that now his uncle, the Prime Minister, and Chapur are no longer working together. Chapur only cares about the magic lamp, so he will entirely focus on Gina, which means that she could be in danger. Kahir explains that he would love to escort her personally and keep her safe, but his father doesn’t feel very well. The Prince is afraid that the King might still be suffering from the side effects of poisoning. With that said, he doesn’t dare to leave the palace, because he wants to be near his father in case that his condition worsens. Gina completely understands his decision and warns him to be careful since she doubts that the Prime Minister will so easily give up, and abandon his plan to take over the Kingdom.

Gina thinks that she will be able to repair the magic lamp and bring back Light. Once Genie fully recovers, he will be of huge help in their struggle against the Prime Minister and Chapur. Kahir is curious, and can’t understand how the flawless ruby ended up as the heirloom of his family. After all, the flawless ruby was in his family for generations, yet it seems that it also a part of the magic lamp. The Prince remembered that the flawless ruby was embedded into a Golden Scimitar 70 years ago after the rebellion was over. More precisely, during the foundation of the Full Moon kingdom and the rise of the Fatih family to power. It seems that all of these facts got Gina thinking.

Gina suddenly got an idea. She reminded Kahir about the time when they were searching through the archives while gathering information about the events that happened 70 years ago. She remembered that they were only concerned about the turmoil and the forty thieves. However, at that time, Gina wasn’t aware of the importance of the flawless ruby, and Kahir didn’t even know that Gina had the magic lamp. So, it is quite possible that they overlooked something, and that the magic lamp and Fatih family are connected in some way. Kahir nods in agreement and says that they should ask Light about it when he wakes up. With that, Gina decided that it’s time to leave. She placed the flawless ruby safely in one of her pockets and was about to leave when somebody screamed “assassin!” from the other side of the door.

Suddenly a dozen armed guards rushed into the room. Kahir is furious and yells at the guards asking them why they broke into his room. Laughter can be heard behind the guards, and after a few moments, the Prime Minister stepped forward. He explains that he was informed that the assassin sneaked into the palace, so he immediately assembled the guard and charged in to protect Kahir. Ironically, he says that he came just in time to save the Prince. Kahir doesn’t want to hear this nonsense. He explains that there are no assassins in his room. However, the Prime Minister wants to know what is Gina doing in his room in the middle of the night if she isn’t an assassin. Ahem, well, there are several very reasonable answers to this question. For once, I don’t see anything suspicious about the Prince being alone in his room with a girl in the middle of the night. As a matter of fact, this was probably a very common occurrence.

But, Gina wasn’t able to come up with a good answer, she just instinctively covered her pocket to protect the flawless ruby. Well, that’s enough for the Prime Minister to confirm that she’s an assassin. He orders the guard to arrest Gina and take her away. A huge, strong guard grabs her, and no matter how much she struggled, Gina couldn’t break free. Kahir yells at the guards to let Gina free, telling them that she is his friend. But, the Prime Minister has obviously planned ahead. He educates Kahir, claiming that the Prince is naïve and irresponsible, and accusing Gina of being a foreign spy that got closed to him. Gina denies these accusations, but the Prime Minister is certain that he will get the truth out of her.

One of the guards throws Gina to the ground. Kahir tries to intervene, but he is held back by the other two guards. But, at this moment, the wheels in Gina’s head suddenly began to turn. She remembers that there were only a few guards posted outside of the palace, and that’s the only reason she managed to get in so easily. Then she starts thinking about the Prime Minister, and realizes that he probably has no idea of the true value of flawless ruby. On the other hand, although there are only a few guards around the palace, there are at least a dozen of them accompanying the Prime Minister. So, Gina concludes that this must have been planned in advance. But why? She then remembered the conversation between the Prime Minister and Chapur. It was clear that the Prime Minister is planning to overthrow his brother and the nephew with the help of the Eastern Provinces, whose representatives he bribed for months. Well, it looks like tonight he wants to set this plan in motion, and Gina was just a convenient pretext. Suddenly, Gina felt…

Chilled to the bone

If you choose the first option “Chilled to the bone” Gina will rationally conclude that it’s impossible for her and Kahir to stand up to a dozen guards. If she had that magic lamp they would stand a chance, but she doesn’t, so she didn’t resist too much when the guard pushed her toward the door. Once again, Kahir orders them to stop. He explains that Gina is just a messenger between him and Sinbad. The Prince then taunts his uncle by daring him to check his personal letters. But, the cunning Prime Minister used this in his favor. He reminds the Prince that Sinbad was suspected of poisoning the King, and the Prime Minister (lying, of course) says that the servant would confirm Sinbad’s involvement, but he was assassinated. With all that said, the Prime Minister concludes that Gina is probably Sinbad’s spy, and her association with him only worsens her position, right now. Gina of course screams that this is a lie. However, it seems that she lost her temper and accuses the Prime Minister of poisoning the servant to cover up his own tracks. The Prime Minister is furious and orders the guards to execute Gina then and there. But, Kahir intervenes, saying that only he has the authority to order the execution, and he forbids this one.

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If you choose the second option “Furious” you will gain some Goodwill with Kahir. Instead of acting calmly, Gina will decide to immediately uncover the Prime Minister’s scheme. But, first, she bites down on the hand of the guard that was holding her, to get some room. She screams at the Prime Minister accusing him of conspiracy against the crown. She tries to back up her claim by explaining that she overheard the conversation between the Prime Minister and Chapur, during which the Prime Minister instructed Chapur to secretly meet with the representatives from the Eastern Provinces. But, the Prime Minister doesn’t care too much about the truth and Gina’s accusation at this point, because he is surrounded by a dozen armed guards loyal to him, so the truth is what he says it is. With that, he orders the guards to take Gina away.

But Kahir orders them to wait. The Prince points out that he discovered that the Prime Minister was bribing the Eastern Provinces, while he was searching for a cure for his father. The Prime Minister provides a very lame excuse for this accusation. He explains that he wants to keep the officials from the Eastern Provinces royal and motivated because they are nearest to the capitol. So, in case of an attack by a foreign power, they could intervene faster than the other armies. At this moment, Gina shoots back, pointing out that there are no foreign armies anywhere near the capital. Instead, she accuses the Prime Minister of bribing the Eastern Provinces in order to incite the rebellion and take over the throne. The Prime Minister is furious and orders the guards to execute Gina then and there. But, Kahir intervenes, saying that only he has the authority to order the execution, and he forbids this one.

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NOTE: Regardless of your choice, the story continues the same way after Kahir announced that he is the only one with authority to order the execution.

Kahir moved in to protect Gina and positioned himself between her and the guards. But, the Prime Minister had enough. With the rise of his hand, he gave the signal to the guards and all of them drew their scimitars. Kahir yelled at the guards, asking them where their loyalty lies, with their prince or the Prime Minister. Well, this was a rhetorical question at this point in time, but he had to try something. The Prime Minister informs Kahir that he has taken over the role of the protector of the Kingdom, because Kahir is too young and irrational, and his father the King has fallen ill. Realizing that this a coup, the Prince wants to know what happened to his father. The young Prince fears that his father might be dead already.

Luckily, Kahir’s uncle wasn’t that cruel. He just locked up the King and the Queen inside their chambers and posted the guards in front of the door to “protect them”.  Kahir is now completely certain that this is a coup and the very well-planned one at that. He wants to know if the armies from the Eastern Provinces already reached the capital. It was a solid guess, but the Prime Minister explains that they were delayed by the storms. Otherwise, they would already be here. Once those armies arrive, the Prime Minister intends to eliminate all rebels and foreign assassins, but in reality, he probably intends to eliminate his political opponents. Gina is sick of listening to Kahir’s double-crossing, two-faced uncle. She screams from the top of her lungs that this is nothing more but a coup. She encourages Kahir, telling him not to give up on the throne so easily.

But, the Prime Minister had enough of her, and he orders the guards to slay her. Luckily, Kahir intervened, saying that Gina has nothing to do with their struggle. However, he knew that this won’t be enough to save her, so he promised his uncle that he won’t stand in his way. But, the Prince had one condition. The Prime Minister has to let Gina go. Well, Gina isn’t important to the Prime Minister, so he gladly accepted this proposal.

The Prime Minister explains that he is, after all, a member of the Fatih family. So, with the King ill, and Kahir being young and hot-headed, the Prime Minister thinks that he should run the country, at least for now. Gina screams at Kahir, telling him to refuse the Prime Minister’s offer, but honestly, I don’t see what other choice he has. They are surrounded by the armed guards that are loyal to Kahir’s uncle, so the Prime Minister is going to take the seat of power, one way or the other. Kahir realized all this but didn’t want to say it out loud, so he decided to remain silent. With that, the deal is concluded, and the Prime Minister ordered the guards to throw Gina out of the palace.

However, instead of leading her out of the palace, the guards took Gina to the dungeons beneath. Once she got there, the jailer ordered her to change into the prison uniform. Gina tries to protests, saying that the Prime Minister ordered the guards to throw her out of the palace, not to throw her into the dungeon. But, the jailor just laughs at her, saying that she better behave herself. He informs her that the Prime Minister is a very cunning person, and he decided to keep her as his “guest” to ensure Kahir’s cooperation. Gina refused to change her clothes at first, but when the jailor threatened her and pointed at the vicious torturing tools, she realized that she has no choice and decided to change.

Well, Gina planned to repair the magic lamp and then come back to the palace and rescue Kahir and his parents. But, the Prime Minister didn’t keep his word, and now she is thrown into the prison cell and this plan utterly failed. She will have to come up with another one. Gina is aware that she can’t escape from the cell and decides that it would be a good idea to look for some allies. She remembered that Sinbad talked about the commander of the royal guard, and his good friend, who was loyal to Kahir and his father. However, the Prime Minister arrested this man and threw him into prison. Gina tries to remember his name, but she only knows that it starts with Ta (it’s Tariq). Well, she devised another plan. She will try to get the attention of this guy, and after that, together, they might find a way to escape. Honestly, considering all the circumstances, this is a decent idea.

Gina decides to create a diversion in order to draw Tariq’s attention because right now, she doesn’t even know how he looks like. So, she starts banging on the bars, screaming insults at the Prime Minister, and praising Kahir and the King. One of the guards reacts immediately, shouting at her to calm down or suffer the consequences. The guard starts walking toward her with a whip, but although she was scared, Gina continued with banging and yelling. At this moment, a strong man in the cell next to hers, stood up and yelled at the guard calling him a traitor. Tariq also challenged the guard to face him instead of the helpless girl. Guard ordered Tariq to shut up since he’s now nothing more but a prisoner. Gina stopped her performance because she achieved her goal. Now, she knew who Tariq is. So, far so good.

Enraged, Tariq charges and slams on the door of the prison cell. He hit it so hard that the entire prison echoed from the impact, and the guard, visibly shaken, took a few steps backward. Well, as expected, the ex-commander of the royal guard is a very strong and capable person. With the situation calming down, the guard threatened Gina one more time but then decided that it was enough. He walked away to have dinner with one of his buddies. With the guards gone, Tariq motioned to Gina to keep silent and observe the guards. It looks like this guy has a plan. After some time, they could hear that the guards are snoring. Tariq waited a few more minutes to make sure that the guards are asleep, and then he got closer to the bars on Gina’s cell. Now, they have to come up with a plan and find a way to break out of jail.

NOTE: If you chose “Follow the Prime Minister” during stage 2-2, this stage will end here, and you will unlock the next stage, 2-11.

NOTE: Here we will see what happens if you chose “Follow Chapur” during stage 2-2.

Gina is arrested and thrown into the prison cell. However, since during this choice she didn’t talk to Sinbad about Tariq, she doesn’t know anything about this man. So, there’s no way for here to escape from prison. From time to time she hears the sounds of the combat and clashing of metal against metal outside.

NOTE: If you chose to “Follow Chapur” during stage 2-2, you will acquire the bad ending “Kingdom in Chaos”.

Well, this was a very exciting stage. Gina was so close to achieving her goal and walking out of the palace with the flawless ruby, but the Prime Minister spoiled her plan at the last moment. Now, she and Tariq have to find a way to get out of their cells and help Kahir. But will they succeed? Will the powerful Tariq smash the treacherous guards? Find out in the next stage.

Thank you for reading.      

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