Hello and welcome to our Dress up! Magic Lamp stage 2-11 full walkthrough and guide. In the previous stage, Gina was in Kahir’s room and he decided to give her the flawless ruby. However, as she was preparing to leave, the guards rushed into the room, shouting “assassin, assassin”. After the initial confusion, Gina and Kahir discovered that the Prime Minister was leading the guards in order to accuse Gina of being an assassin and a foreign spy. He wanted to do this in order to pressure Kahir into handing him over the throne peacefully. Prime Minister had several silly arguments, but the guards were loyal to him, so it didn’t really matter what excuse he came up with to take over the power from Kahir and his father. However, his accusation of Gina being the assassin was the most ridiculous. He said that since Gina was in the middle of the night alone with Kahir in his room, she must be an assassin, because why else would she be there? Ahem, right. Anyway, with the guards on his side, Kahir finally caved in under pressure and agreed to go along with the Prime Minister’s plan in order to save Gina. That was the deal. However, instead of expelling Gina from the palace and letting her go, the guards threw her into jail instead. There, Gina remembered her conversation with Sinbad who mention that Tariq, the ex-commander of the royal guard was also imprisoned by the Prime Minister. Determined to find this man, Gina started banging on the bars on her cell and insulting the Prime Minister. When the guard came to shut her up, Tariq announced his presence from the neighboring cell, by supporting Gina and standing up to the guard. The situation calmed down, so Gina and Tariq patiently waited until the guards fell asleep. Now, they have to come up with a plan and find a way to break out of jail.    

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Gina and Tariq start working on their plan. First, they concluded that the guards always keep the keys on the table, away from their cells. So, in order to get the keys, they will have to find a way to lure the guards and trick them into bringing the keys close to their cells. Gina was subconsciously playing with the flawless ruby while they were talking, and she immediately got a brilliant idea. Gina informed Tariq about the plan and warned him that the plan requires a bit of acting on his part. With that, she gave him the flawless ruby and everything was set. Of course, she lied that the ruby was given to her by Sinbad since she wanted to avoid a very long explanation.

Tariq pretended to be asleep, while Gina waited for the right moment to set their plan in motion. And the moment soon came, when one of the guards left his post, which meant that now there was only one guard left. Gina, aware that the other guard could quickly come back, decided to act immediately. As agreed, Tariq starts moaning and rolling on the floor pretending that he is very sick, while Gina bangs on the bars to get the attention of the guard. Gina woke up the guard, and still groggy from his sleep, he approached Gina’s cell. Gina, continuing with the plan yells at the guard, saying that Tariq is very sick, and beginning the guard to help him.

However, the guard doesn’t care about Tariq. He explains that the Prime Minister will order Tariq’s execution any day now, so it doesn’t matter if he dies in the cell. But then, Gina points out that there’s something shiny inside Tariq’s cell. The guard moves in to take a closer look, and sees the flawless ruby, shining in the moonlight. Realizing that this gemstone is worth a fortune, the guard quickly rushes for the keys and unlocks Tariq’s cell. Once there, he first gave Tariq a strong kick to make sure that the man is really dead or unconscious. Tariq took the blow stoically, without flinching. This convinced the guard that he doesn’t pose any threat, so he rushed to grab the ruby before the other guard comes back. There’s no need to share.

The guard is overjoyed because the flawless ruby is worth a fortune. Distracted by the dreams of wealth and good life, he turns around to leave. At this moment, Tariq jumped up and quickly knocked out the surprised guard, before he could react. Naturally, Tariq immediately grabbed the keys, unlocked Gina’s cell, and returned her the ruby. Our characters figured that they should run away immediately. But, Tariq pointed out that they would be quickly noticed and identified as fugitives in their prison uniforms. So, they decided to change before escaping from jail.

When they finally got outside, Gina, afraid for Kahir’s life, thought that they should look for him immediately. But, Tariq pointed out that Kahir the Prime Minister won’t gain anything by killing Kahir. Instead, the Prime Minister probably intends to use Kahir as leverage to convince the King to hand him over the throne. With that they conclude that Kahir is safe for now, so they decided to go to the King’s chamber instead.

Tariq and Gina concluded that the stealthy approach is the best solution right now. So, they decided to sneak up to the King’s chamber. There, they saw two guards blocking the front door. However, they didn’t stand any chance against the mighty Tariq, who knocked out both of them before they could react. Then, Gina and Tariq hid the bodies of the guards into the nearby brush and went into the King’s chamber. Inside they find a very surprised Queen. The Queen immediately recognized Tariq but not Gina. So, our character refreshed her memory by reminding her that she is Kahir’s friend and that they met at the banquette. Well, the Queen recognized Gina after a few seconds, but I think she should’ve remembered her immediately considering that our character saved King’s life…

Queen would know like to know what are they doing here and how two of them ended up working together. But, Tariq informs her that the time is short, promising to explain everything once she got her and the King to safety. The Queen sighs and informs him that, unfortunately, that’s not possible, because the King is very ill and unable to walk. But Gina protests, saying that they can’t just wait here to be slaughtered by the Prime Minister’s man. However, the Queen explains to her that the Prime Minister won’t kill them unless he has no other option. Instead, he wants them to hand him over the power peacefully, without bloodshed, because that would solidify his hold on the throne, and there would be much less opposition.

But, be that as it may, Tariq points out that the Prime Minister is becoming desperate, and soon enough he might decide that he is done waiting. If that happens, he will kill both the King and the Queen. So, they must act quickly. At this moment, King groans while lying on the bed, and points to the tapestry. Gina, thinking that the King wants the tapestry, tried to remove it from the wall, and then she discovered that there was a hole hidden behind the tapestry. Inside she found some very strange cloth. When she put it down on the bed, the Queen immediately recognized her Silver Cloak.

The King urges his wife to leave him and go. He explains that she could easily escape from the palace by using the magic of the cloak. Gina is confused for a moment because she didn’t think that the Queen is a magician. But, Scheherazade explains that she comes from the family of the magicians and the Silver cloak is her family heirloom. Apparently, both Scheherazade and the Silver Cloak were given to the King as gifts and symbols of loyalty of the Western Provinces. With this action, the King gave Scheherazade back her freedom. She began to cry softly, but then the King spoke. He said that he thought about giving Scheherazade back her cloak, but he was afraid that she would leave him and that he would never see her again.

The Queen honestly admits that she was unpleasant at first and that she felt like some kind of trophy. However, over the years she and the King fell in love, and now she can’t imagine her life without him. With that said, she can’t even consider leaving him behind in a situation like this… And now Gina has to make a choice.

Urge the Queen to leave

Encourage the Queen to stay
If you choose the first option “Urge the Queen to leave” Gina will advise the Queen to escape by using the magic of the Silver Cloak. Our character concluded, that both Kahir and the King would feel much better if they knew that the Queen is safe. But, the Queen refused, saying that she will rather stay with her husband during these difficult times. However, she thinks that the Silver Cloak could be of great use to them. Gina is curious and wants to know more about the Silver Cloak.

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NOTE: The second option “Encourage the Queen to stay” will lead to Kahir’s ending in stage 2-15.

If you choose the second “Encourage the Queen to stay” you will gain some Goodwill with Scheherazade. Gina will say that it would be a bit selfish of the Queen to run away and leave her son and husband behind. Besides that, Gina points out that the entire royal guard is under the Prime Minister’s control. Even if the Queen gets out of the palace, there is still a lot of Prime Minister’s spy in the capital. With that said, Gina thinks that it is safer for the Queen to stay here than to travel alone. The Queen agreed and mentioned that the Silver Cloak could be of great use to them in this situation. Gina is curious and wants to know more about the Silver Cloak.

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NOTE: Regardless of your choice, the story continues here with the Queen explaining to Gina how the Silver Cloak works.

The Queen explains that when you put on a cloak, you just have to imagine some other person that you know, and you will look and sound exactly like that person. Gina is very excited and thinks that the Silver Cloak is one of the most amazing magical items. So, she asked the Queen to borrow it. Our character also got a crazy idea. She figured that she could turn herself into a mighty warrior so she and General Tariq could together defeat the rebels. On a side note, it wouldn’t be a bad idea if turn into Tariq, because this guy is probably the most powerful warrior that she ever saw. Unfortunately, the Queen had to disperse Gina’s dream. She explained that the Silver Cloak only changes the physical appearance and voice of the user and that it has no effect on strength, speed, or skill. Basically, it only masks the user’s appearance. Besides that, even the two most powerful warriors wouldn’t stand a chance against an army that is under the Prime Minister’s control.

Gina then got an idea. She could turn herself into someone who can walk around the palace without arousing suspicion from the guards. She thinks that one of these two persons should do the trick.

NOTE: The second choice “Turn into Chapur” is your only option here, because Tariq will be against the idea to impersonate the Prime Minister.

Turn into the Prime Minister

Turn into Chapur
If you choose the first option”Turn into the Prime Minister” Gina will point out that this is an excellent idea because she could take over the Prime Minister’s troops and turn them against him. However, Tariq thinks that this is unwise because the guards that are close to the Prime Minister will probably quickly figure out that Gina is an imposter, and then she will be in huge trouble.

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On second thought, Gina concluded that turning into Chapur might be a better idea. She informs everyone that she overheard the conversation between Chapur and the Prime Minister, so she’s certain that Chapur knew about the Prime Minister’s plan, but refused to take part in it. She didn’t mention it to the others, but Chapur didn’t care about the Prime Minister’s plot, he was only interested in the magic lamp. It seems that the Queen agrees with this plan because she didn’t see Chapur at the palace during the last couple of days, so the chances of Gina running into a real Chapur are almost non-existent. On the other hand, Chapur is the well-known associate of the Prime Minister so the guards will have no reason to stop or interrogate him. Besides that, nobody wants to mess with the powerful magician, unless it’s completely necessary, so Gina shouldn’t have any problems with the guards.

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General Tariq gives final thoughts about this plan. He instructs Gina to try to locate the Kahir, and find a way to save him, if possible. In the meantime, he will gather some of the royal guards that he commanded. Tariq is certain that most of them are still loyal to the King and Prince Kahir and grudgingly follow the Prime Ministers orders. Tariq concludes that almost all of them will switch sides once they see their old commander. And with the royal guard back under his control, Tariq will gladly take on the rebels, head-on. The Queen says that she will stay by the King and that she will try to buy them some time if the Prime Minister attempts to pressure the King into giving him the crown. The Queen wished them luck, and they enthusiastically went on their missions.

Well, this chapter ended with Gina and Tariq on a warpath. Will Gina be able to locate and find a way to rescue Kahir? Will Tariq manage to take over the control of the Royal Guards? Find out in the next stage.

Thank you for reading.

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