Hello and welcome to our Dress up! Magic Lamp stage 2-12 full walkthrough and guide. In the previous stage, Gina and Tariq agreed on the plan of escape. Gina gave Tariq the flawless ruby and instructed him to lay down on the ground and pretend that he is very sick. When there was only one guard left, they set their plan into motion. Gina screamed for the guard yelling that the Tariq is very ill. However, the guard wasn’t overly interested and just said that the Tariq will be executed soon, so there’s no need for him to do anything about it. However, then Gina said that there’s something shiny inside Tariq’s cell. The guard approached the cell to take a closer look and saw flawless ruby, glittering in the moonlight. Realizing that the gemstone is worth a fortune, he rushed to grab the keys. Then he unlocked the cell and kicked Tariq to make sure that he’s really unconscious, but Tariq didn’t move. Secure that the prisoner isn’t a threat the guard grabbed the flawless ruby and turned around to leave, but at this moment Tariq jumped him and knocked him unconscious. Then Tariq took the keys and unlocked Gina’s cell, but they decided to change their clothes before escaping. Once outside they decided to go to the King’s chamber. Once there, they saw that two guards were posted at the entrance but Tariq quickly dispatched. When they went inside they saw the Queen and the King. However, King was very sick and unable to walk, so there was no way for him to escape the palace. While they were trying to figure out their next step, Gina saw that the King was pointing at the tapestry. She removed the tapestry from the wall and behind it, she found what turned out to be the Silver Cloak – a magical cloak that allows the wearer to change the appearance and voice, but for a limited time. With this item in their possession, they finally agreed on the plan. Gina will turn into Chapur by using the Silver Cloak and try to locate and rescue the Prince. In the meantime, Tariq will try to take over the royal guard, and attack the Prime Minister head-on.

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Gina put on the Silver Cloak, and after she spoke the magic words that the Queen thought her, she turned into Chapur. Without hesitation, she started looking for Kahir, because she knew that the magic of the cloak will only last for a limited amount of time. She saw a group of men with torches and decided to investigate. When she approached them, one of the guards greeted her (she was disguised as Chapur). Gina explained that Chapur got new orders from the Prime Minister, and that why he returned to the palace. She then asked about the group of men in front of them. The guard explained that it is a search party, that is trying to locate a Tariq and a female assassin who escaped from the prison. Well, these weren’t good news, because Gina hoped that the Prime Minister won’t so quickly find out that they escaped.

Realizing that the time is short, Gina decided that she must immediately look for Kahir. At this moment, the guard informed her that he and his buddy are under orders to escort the Prince to the prison and reinforce the guards there. Gina quickly came up with the plan. She said that it is very reckless to send only two guards with the Prince because Tariq might attempt to ambush them and rescue the Prince. With that she offered to accompany them, claiming that with the powerful Magician by their side, they could safely escort the Prince.

Gina follows the guards to Kahir’s room, but once they got there, she says that she wants to question the Prince before they escort him to the prison. Naturally, the guards allowed it, because they really had no desire to stand up to Chapur. Gina, still disguised as Chapur, entered the room and saw Kahir. Now, she has two choices.

Change back to Gina

Continue to impersonate Chapur
If you choose the first option “Change back to Gina” you will gain some Goodwill with Kahir. Needless to say, Kahir was shocked when she saw Chapur suddenly turn into Gina. Jokingly, she says that he probably didn’t expect this to happen when he saw Chapur walking into his room. Kahir is confused and has a lot of questions. But first, he wants to know how did Gina return to the place because the Prime Minister said that he will throw her out. However, Gina explains that the Prime Minister broke his promise, and the guards threw her into the prison cell instead of releasing her. She then informs Kahir about her escape with Tariq, their encounter with the King and the Queen, and finally their plan to end this rebellion. So far, the plan is going quite smoothly.

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If you choose the second option “Continue to impersonate Chapur” Gina will keep on the magical disguise, and will claim that she was instructed by the Prime Minister to check on Kahir. But, the Prince informs the Magician (Gina) that he should find a way to cure the King, otherwise he won’t be able to officially hand over the power to the Prime Minister. At this moment, Gina instructs Kahir to follow her, intending to trick the guards and bring him to safety, but the disguise spell suddenly ends. Needless to say, Kahir is shocked, but Gina quickly explains what’s going on. She informs him that the Prime Minister broke his promise, and the guards threw her into the prison cell instead of releasing her. She then informs Kahir about her escape with Tariq, their encounter with the King and the Queen, and finally their plan to end this rebellion. So far, the plan is going quite smoothly.

Back to Previous Choice

NOTE: The story continues here, regardless of your previous choice.

After she informed the Prince about everything that happened so far, they decide to rush back to the King’s chamber, because the King and the Queen might be in danger. However, it’s already dawn outside, so their chances of reaching the King’s chamber undetected are slim. With that, Kahir draws his scimitar and prepares to fight his way to the King’s chamber. Kahir fought valiantly while advancing toward his goal, but more and more guards are alerted, and he realized that soon, he will be outmatched by their numbers.

At this moment, the Prime Minister showed up. He informs Kahir that he knows everything about their little plan. To be more specific, he says that he is aware that Kahir hopes to join forces with Tariq so that they could together fight their way to the King’s chamber. Finally, the Prime Minister said that this plan has no chance of success, and advised Kahir to lay down his scimitar and surrender.

But Kahir implies that the Prime Minister might be in huge trouble without even realizing it. The Prince then names the mischievous deed that his uncle committed in order to take over the throne, including the abduction of the Crowned Prince. Finally, Kahir says that the lust for power drove his uncle mad. But, the Prime Minister has another view. He explains that he worked on the prosperity of the Kingdom for years, but when it came to succession, the King decided to nominate Kahir instead of him. Gina yells that is only natural that the King didn’t want to hand over the crown to the scoundrel like the Prime Minister. But, Kahir’s uncle has had enough. He orders the guards to attack. Kahir fought valiantly, but he was heavily outnumbered and it was clear that he’s going to lose this battle. However, just as one of the guards was about to stab him with a spear, Tariq charged in and deflected the blow. Then they realized that the group of royal guards that remained loyal to their ex-commander is accompanying Tariq! Without hesitation, they followed the example of their commander and charged in.

As Tariq charged in he roared like a wild animal, and the Prime Minister’s guards, visibly intimidated, took a few steps back. The Prime Minister urged to attack, saying that they still outnumber Kahir, Tariq, and their men. At this moment, everyone stopped because the flare suddenly went up in the distance. After seeing this, a wide smile spread across the Prime Minister’s face. He explains that the flare was fired by the army of the Eastern Provinces and that they will soon reach the palace and reinforce him. Gina is shocked because that would mean that everything that they did was in vain. But, when she looked at Kahir, she only saw calm and confidence on his face. She’s confused but at this moment one of the guards runs in and informs the Prime Minister that the army of the Western Provinces has arrived and surrounded the capitol.

The Prime Minister is confused and he yells at the guard saying that it must have been an army of the Eastern Provinces that he saw, not Western. But the guard replies that the Prime Minister is mistaken. It’s the army of the Eastern Provinces and they are calling for the Prime Minister’s execution. Kahir calmly explains that he warned his uncle when he said that the Prime Minister is in huge trouble, but he just doesn’t realize it yet. Furious, the Prime Minister demands to know what’s going on.

Kahir informs him that he contacted the army of the Western Provinces before his coronation, and ordered them to be prepared to intervene. He also says that the Prime Minister was very fortunate because the army of the Western Provinces would have arrived much sooner if it wasn’t for the terrible rainstorm that delayed them. But, the Prime Minister still is ready to give up. He claims that he can still salvage the situation if he manages to quickly Kahir, and his parents. With that, he grabbed the scimitar from one of the guards and charged at the Prince, swinging wildly. But, Kahir is was a much better swordsman. He easily disarmed his uncle and put the scimitar under his throat. With that, the rebellion was over…

With that, the Prime Minister is arrested and thrown to prison, where he will await his trial. Most of the guards are pardoned, except those who were part of the Prime Minister’s inner circle. General Tariq decided to join the Western forces in clearing up what remained of the Eastern army. By the afternoon, the regular life returned to the palace, and everything seemed peaceful. Kahir informs Gina that he will soon send someone to escort her back to the Sinbad’s mansion. Gina also wonders about the King and the Queen, but Kahir informs her that his parents are safe and well. However, Gina also mentions that she should return the Silver Cloak to the Queen before she leaves.

But, Kahir replies that the Queen is resting now because she is very tired after the last night. So, he informs Gina that she could return the Silver Cloak the next time she visits the palace. Suddenly, the cold wind started to blow, and lightly dressed Gina began to shiver. Noticing this, Kahir immediately ordered the maids to bring her some warm clothes.

At this moment, Tariq came back reporting that the rebellion has been quelled. Kahir thanks Tariq for his loyal service, and says that he is impressed by his skill and strength. The Prince also announces that he will publicly reveal the Prime Minister’s crimes and clear Tariq’s name. The commander praises Kahir, saying that without his calm composure and foresight, they wouldn’t be able to stop the Prime Minister. But, Gina has many questions. She wants to know if Kahir was aware of the Prime Minister’s plot before, and was just pretending in order to buy time when he agreed with the Prime Minister and Gina was taken away. Gina also wants to know if Kahir already had an escape plan in mind, and would he be able to escape without her help. Kahir laughed and said that Gina has so many, questions that he doesn’t know where to start. But, Gina replied that he should answer all of them, one by one.

Kahir explains that he was aware of the Prime Minister’s scheme with the Eastern Provinces when she and Gina rescued an enslaved child at the market and discovered that the slavers were transferring the palace jewelry to the Eastern Provinces under the Prime Minister’s orders. So, the Prince contacted the Western Provinces and ordered them to be on high alert and ready to intervene if the need arises. One of his men also infiltrated the Prime Minister’s inner circle and informed Kahir about the plans of his uncle. Also, Kahir explains that he was indeed putting on a show when the Prime Minister’s men broke into his chamber, and Gina was taken away. Our character explains that she was worried about him and that she should have informed her somehow that he was just acting in order to trick the Prime Minister.

However, the Prince also admitted that everything didn’t really go as planned. His spy was discovered after a while, and he no longer had the information about the Prime Minister’s plans. To make matters worse, the Prime Minister framed Tariq and threw him into prison. Instead of the loyal commander of the Royal Guard, the Prime Minister put one of his traitors in this position. This was a serious blow to Kahir’s plans. Finally, the bad weather prevented the forces of the Western Provinces from intervening on time, so that was a major hick-up. With all that said, Kahir admits that, even though he planned ahead, then things could’ve played out much differently if it wasn’t for Gina. She saved Tariq, and together the two of them reached Kahir’s parents. Finally, she managed to free Kahir, so without her, the army of the Western Province would have to take the palace by force which would have led to the major bloodshed, and who knows what the Prime Minister would have done to him and his parent’s in desperation. Because of all that, Kahir is very grateful for Gina’s help and is proud to have a friend like her.

However, at this moments Tariq interrupted their conversation. He informed the Prince that he has a meeting with the Governor of the Western Provinces. Gina also says that she should go back, and fix the lamp. As soon as that’s done, she promised that she and Light will come to visit Kahir so that Light could personally thank him for giving Gina the flawless ruby. And with that, Gina went home.

Unfortunately, when Gina returned to her room she realized that the magic lamp was missing. She looked every, but couldn’t find it. Upon closer inspection, Gina noticed that no other stuff is missing from her room. So, what kind of burglar would take the old worthless lamp, and leave the gold and other valuables. Terrified, Gina realized that Chapur must have taken the magic lamp. Gina knew that she had to act quickly before the Magician had the chance to go far away. With that, she decided to go to the palace and search the Astrology Chamber for clues about Chapur’s whereabouts.

Well, in this stage Gina, Kahir, and Tariq managed to somehow quell the rebellion and the Prime Minister is no longer a threat. But, as soon as this crisis was over, another struck, because now Gina has to find Chapur and the magic lamp. This also means that Light is in Chapur’s mercy. Will Gina be able to reclaim the lamp and save Light? Find out in the next stage.

Thank you for reading.      

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