Hello and welcome to our Dress up! Magic Lamp stage 2-14 full walkthrough and guide. In the previous stage, Gina and Kahir went to the Astrology Chamber to look for clues about Chapur. After searching through his books, they found an old map, and one location in the northwestern part of the desert was marked on it. Gina and Kahir decided to search a bit more and discovered a portrait that looked like Chapur and they also found a signature, in one of the books, in Chapur’s handwriting, but the name was “Ghiyath”. So, our characters concluded that Chapur is actually Ghiyath. Kahir remembered from the history books that Ghiyath was the name of the only son of the Last Tyran – the King from the previous dynasty. Kahir also discovered that the location on the map represents the Hunting Lodge which the Last Tyrant built for his son. With that said, Gina and Kahir decided to head to the desert and look for the Hunting Lodge, because they thought that’s where Chapur was hiding.

They left the city accompanied by a company of the royal guards, and after some time, they reached the location marked on the map. However, there was no sign of the Hunting Lodge. At this moment, they heard the screaming of the guards and realized that they have fallen into the quicksand. A few moments later, Gina fell unconscious. When she woke up she was inside the palace, and Kahir was standing next to her. After a brief conversation with Kahir, Gina realized that something was very wrong with her friend. At this moment, the real Kahir appeared and said to Gina that she was trapped in the mirage. She wasn’t actually in the palace, she was still in the desert and this was an illusion. He managed to convince Gina, but the false Kahir wasn’t willing to let her go so easily. He tried to strike Gina with his scimitar, but the real Kahir managed to get to them in time and parry the blow. This broke the illusion, and our characters found themselves standing back in the desert. Kahir explained to Gina that he was also trapped in the mirage, behind the mirror, but once she realized that the Kahir in front of her was fake, the mirror shattered and the real Prince was able to rush to her aid and save her. However, as soon as Kahir explained to Gina what just happened, Chapur appeared. He taunted our characters by saying that he didn’t expect that they will be able to escape from the mirage. After that, Chapur said that he is going to kill them, but before that he will show them the true power of the magic lamp. With that, he raised his wand and started chanting the magic words. The huge vortex of sand and black smoke formed, and the ruins beneath the sand started to emerge…     

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Our story continues with the ruins rising from the sand and the magic lamp hovering above them, wrapped in a thick black smoke of dark magic. Gina tries to warn Chapur by saying that he will suffer a terrible fate if he uses the magic lamp for his ritual. But, Chapur shoots back by saying that his knowledge is much greater than Gina’s and informs her that the Fatih family isn’t as righteous and noble as they represent themselves in the history books. But, Kahir claims that without a rebellion that was lead by the Fatih family, the entire Kingdom would end up in ruins. He explains that the Last Tyrant used dark magic without any regard to the consequences while trying to revivify his son. So, he had to be stopped before he ruined the lives of everyone in the Kingdom. But, Chapur doesn’t believe in Kahir’s version of events.

Instead, Chapur claims that the Fatih family is the biggest hypocrite because he thinks that they must have used the dark magic in order to take over the throne, during the rebellion that happened 70 years ago. But, Kahir claims that his ancestors would never use dark magic. Again, Chapur claimed that the Fatih family tried to bury the truth. But, this time, he also revealed that they wanted to bury the truth by hiding the magic lamp.

Kahir is genuinely confused because he is not aware of any secrets of the Fatih family. Also, the Prince had no idea that there’s a connection between the magic lamp and his family. So, he asks Chapur to explain this. The Magician decided to oblige to Kahir’s request, saying that he will kill the young Prince soon, so he might as well reveal to him the truth, before that. Chapur explained that his family ruled the Kingdom, but the Fatih family was their more valuable vassal that ruled the northern part of the kingdom. Also, the Fatih family gave the magic lamp to Chapur’s family as a sign of their loyalty to the crown. Gina concluded that the magic lamp must have been stolen by the forty thieves 70 years ago, during the chaos of the rebellion. However, she can’t figure out how the flawless ruby (she believes that flawless ruby is a gemstone missing from the magic lamp) remained in possession of the Fatih family.

Kahir admits that the alliance between his family and Chapur’s family is not a secret, but a well-known historical fact. However, no family records show any connection between the Fatih family and the magic lamp. So, he would like to know the secret that connects the magic lamp and his family. Chapur claimed that Kahir’s ancestor’s used the dark magic in combination with the magic lamp to kill his father and take over the throne. Kahir, just couldn’t believe in this story. So, the Magician decided to convince him. He raised up his wand and suddenly the black smoke started to pour out of the magic lamp until it almost completely obstructed their vision. When it started to disperse, they could see Light standing in front of them. But, Gina immediately noticed that something was wrong with her friend, because Light just stared in the direction of one point in the distance, and his cold face didn’t show any emotions. It looked as if he was hypnotized. But, Chapur used this opportunity to taunt Gina once more and show her just how little she knew about the magic lamp. The Magician laughs at her, saying that she doesn’t even know Genie’s true name. Proudly, he announces that Light’s true name is Arslan Fatih.

Kahir confirms that he saw the name Arslan Fatih, in the family records. However, it is unknown what happened to Arslan during the rebellion, but his name doesn’t show up in the records after this event. But, our character is confused, because she can’t understand how could Arslan Fatih be Kahir’s ancestor and also the Genie of the Lamp. At this moment, Chapur revealed that he and Arslan were the best childhood friends and his sure that the man in front of them is indeed Arslan. On the other hand, he explains that Arslan could have only become a Genie by using dark magic. Chapur doesn’t see any other explanation. Gina can’t believe that Arslan(Light) and Chapur were the best friends once, but the Magician revealed that he recognized Light the first time he saw him. Chapur also concluded that Arslan (Light) was the person who slew his father by using dark magic and ruined the Kingdom. Chapur is certain that this is the truth and the darkest secret of the Fatih family, that they buried deep down once they took over the throne.

Terrified, Gina refused to believe in his words. But, the Magician explained that it doesn’t matter if she believes him or not, because he still had control of the magic lamp. With that, he commanded Arslan to slay Gina and Kahir. Clearly under Chapur’s control, Light was unable to resist this command and he charged toward Gina and Kahir. The young Prince immediately reacted by drawing his scimitar and positioning himself between Gina and Light. Arslan also drew the short blade on his waist, and the battle seemed inevitable. Kahir and Gina yell at Light, telling him to stop and resist Chapur’s command, but the Magician explains that Light has no free will right now. He has to follow the orders of the master of the magic lamp, and right now, that’s Chapur.

With that, the battle was joined, and the clashing of metal against metal filled the air. Kahir had a slight advantage in melee, but he was quickly running out of stamina, because Light regularly threw fireballs, and the young prince had to jump left and ride to avoid them. Gina quickly realized that Kahir will lose this battle, and decided that she has to act. She glanced toward Chapur and saw that the Magician raised his wand and was chanting the magic words. As he did that, the black smoke started to pour out of the magic lamp, which was still hovering above them. With that said, Gina decided to try to stop Chapur from “commanding” the magic lamp, because, she believed that she could break his hold on Light if she managed to disrupt the spell. Well, she concluded that she couldn’t beat Chapur in the open combat, because she wasn’t a fighter, and didn’t know any magic. But then our character remembered that she still has the Silver Cloak. An idea was forming in her head, and she decided to use the magical disguise provided by the Silver Cloak in order to try and distract Chapur.

With that said, Gina decides to try to turn into Chapur’s father, by remembering the portrait that she saw in the books. Our character is aware that is going to be a long shot, but she has to try to do something. Now, after she finished planning, Gina waited for the opportune moment to set her plan into motion. She saw light launching another one of his fireballs. Kahir had to jump aside to avoid the flames, a huge cloud of dust risen, and Chapur was completely focused on chanting the spell and the battle before him. So, Gina decides that it is time to act. She quickly but quietly recites the spell, and once the dust has settled, instead of Gina, the Old Tyrant was standing amongst the ruins and looking at his son. Chapur was very confused, and couldn’t believe his own eyes. But, the Old Tyrant (Gina) explained that he is actually just a mirage, created by Chapur’s inner struggle. The Magician stares at his father in disbelief, so Gina decided to act quickly, while her opponent was still shocked. She decided to…

Persuade him

Reprimand him
If you choose the first option “Persuade him” you will lose Goodwill with Chapur. Gina, disguised as the Last Tyrant, will advise his son to forget revenge, and leave the dark magic behind because otherwise, he will just repeat the same mistake. He also says that Chapur should leave the past behind him and look towards the future. But, unfortunately, Gina’s ruse didn’t work, because the Magician was able to see right through her magical disguise. Well, this was expected because Chapur was able to see right through Light’s magical illusion when he saw him in the garden. With that, Chapur explains that his father was cold, and would never act as Gina did. With that said, he shoots her with the bolt of magical energy, knocking her down, and dispelling the illusion.

Back to Previous Choice
If you choose the second option “Reprimand him” you will gain some Goodwill with Chapur. Gina, disguised as the Last Tyrant, will criticize his son, saying that he stained his princely honor, by scheming, changing the identity, and plotting with the Prime Minister. The Old Tyrant also claimed that even if his son manages to reclaim the throne, his royal honor will be stained forever. For a moment, it looked like Gina’s little ruse will succeed, because Chapur seemed very said, almost as if he felt like a disappointment. However, the Magician quickly regained his composure and was able to see through Gina’s magical disguise. Chapur explains that his father would approve of his methods as long as he manages to fulfill his duty as the Prince, and that would be revenge and restoration of the former Kingdom. With that said, he shoots her with the bolt of magical energy, knocking her down, and dispelling the illusion.

Back to Previous Choice

Note: The story continues here, regardless of your previous choice.

As Gina fell down, the flawless ruby dropped from her pocket and rolled toward Chapur’s feet. The Magician was surprised because he really didn’t expect such good fortune. Gina tried to stop him from taking the ruby, but he knocked her back with another bolt of magical energy. With Gina no longer presenting a threat, Chapur bent down and picked up the flawless ruby, believing that it’s the missing gemstone from the magic lamp. The Magician explained that he wanted to acquire the flawless ruby once the chaos in the palace was over. However, Gina literally brought the ruby right to Chapur’s feet, and with it, he now has the last item that he needed in order to complete his evil plan.

Raising his wand Chapur commands the magic lamp to descend into his hand. The Magician announced that, once the magic lamp has been reunited with the gemstone, he will be able to reverse the time and rewrite history. With that, Chapur started to chant the spell, while reuniting the magic lamp with the flawless ruby. Gina was terrified because she knew that once the magic lamp is assembled again, it will have enormous power and no one will be able to stop the evil Magician. However, to the surprise of everyone, as Chapur inserted the flawless ruby into the magic lamp, nothing happened.

Confused, Chapur tried again, but still, nothing happened. However, it seems that the Magician was distracted while trying to activate the full power of the magic lamp, and he lost control over Light. The Genie suddenly stopped moving and was now just standing, expressionlessly staring in the distance. The Magician was furious, so he grabbed Gina by her throat, thinking that she intentionally gave him the false ruby, and demanded from her to hand him over the real one. But, our character is as confused as he is because she believed that the flawless ruby was the missing gemstone. At this moment, Kahir that was no longer dueling with Light decided to intervene and ordered Chapur to let Gina go. Annoyed, the Magician promised Gina that he will deal with her treachery after he gets rid of the annoying Prince. With that, they prepare to engage in a duel.

Chapur was aware that Kahir is a skilled swordsman and a dangerous opponent, and he concluded that he’ll need both of his hands free in order to defeat the Prince. So, the Magician threw both the magic lamp and Gina aside and engaged Kahir in a duel. Gina, still exhausted from Chapur’s magical attacks, crawled over to the magic lamp, and held it tightly in her arms. Our character realized that if she doesn’t do something soon, she and Kahir will die, and Light will become a soulless husk, bound to obey the Chapur’s will. Desperate, Gina, pleads to the flawless ruby, asking it to reunite with the magic lamp and activate its true power. There was no answer from the ruby but, surprisingly, she saw that the crystal inside her old pendant is glowing with golden light, and the magic lamp suddenly became illuminated with the magical energy. At this moment, Gina realized that the crystal insider her pendant might be the real missing gemstone.

Gina, knowing that there’s no time to waste, decided to act quickly. She removed the crystal from her pendant and tried to insert it into the magic lamp. To her surprise, she discovered that it fits perfectly. As soon as the crystal was reunited with the magic lamp, Gina was enveloped in a bright light of magical energy. She felt light as a feather and realized that her consciousness slipping away. At this moment, Kahir grabbed her firmly by the arm, and our character suddenly woke up. Gina admitted that she was very surprised when the crystal on her pendant reunited with the magic lamp and produced such a strong burst of magical energy.

Gina and Kahir instinctively looked in the direction of the magic lamp and saw that it was slowly rising higher and higher, engulfed in the bright light of magical energy. As the magic lamp was rising, the ruins beneath it started to crumble and disintegrate. Both Gina and Kahir were completely mesmerized by the sight in front of them, but then the familiar voice drew their attention away from the magic lamp. With the magic lamp reunited with the gemstone, Light managed to break free from Chapur’s control. Genie was very surprised to see that Gina managed to repair the lamp. Our character was overjoyed when she saw that Light was finally free. So, she thought that they should immediately get as far away as possible from this place and Chapur, because now, with the magic lamp repaired, there’s nothing that it couldn’t do. On the other hand, Chapur won’t be able to complete his evil plan without the powerful magic artifact.

But, at this moment Gina saw Chapur slowly getting up, and she presumed that Kahir must have knocked him down while she was unconscious. However, it seems that the Magician was far from defeated because he screamed at them saying that he won’t allow them to escape. But, Light seemed confident that this battle was over because the magic lamp will now only obey his commands. However, it seems that Chapur has another ace up his sleeve. He explains that he doesn’t the powerful magical artifact to complete his plan. The soul of the powerful magician could also do the trick. With that said, Chapur is very happy to see that Light is awake because now he can use Genie’s soul to finish the magical ritual.

With that, Chapur started to chant another magic spell, and the thick black smoke began to emerge from his body, gradually forming into a magical circle. At this moment, the Magician started his evil speech, revealing that he was accidentally awakened 15 years ago by the grave robbers that used dark magic. Once he woke up, Chapur found himself in a very unfamiliar world. When he learned that the Fatih family was in power, and found out about the rebellion that overthrew his father, he concluded that his father was betrayed and slain by his former vassals. So, Chapur swore that he will find a way to undo this injustice, by punishing the treacherous Fatih family and restoring his old kingdom. And the only way to do this is to reverse time by using dark magic. With that, the thick black smoke started to wrap around Light, immobilizing him. Chapur explains that he is much more powerful than before because he spent every waking moment in the last 15 years studying the dark magic, and perfecting the time-space portal. He is confident that nothing can stop him from exacting his revenge.

Kahir shoots back by saying that it is impossible to reverse the time, and even if Chapur manages to do it, the young Prince claims that he will just repeat the same mistakes, all over again. Gina also joins in by saying that the collapse of the previous dynasty is inevitable, and Chapur won’t be able to stop it, no matter what he does. And now, Gina has to decide how she wants to continue this conversation.

Total Loser

Prince who neglected his duty
NOTE: The first option “Total Loser” will lead to a bad ending “Eternal Darkness”.

If you choose the first option “Total Loser” Chapur will yell at Gina, saying that she has no right to criticize him. The Magician also realized that he should have killed Gina long ago because his plan would have worked perfectly if she didn’t get her hands on the magic lamp. Chapur is enraged, and it seems that his anger feeds the thick black smoke of the dark magic, which now almost completely obscured the light of the magic lamp. The black smoke around Light also thickens, and he is now completely immobilized. Helpless, the Genie begged Chapur to stop, and release him. But, the Magician keeps taunting him. Chapur claimed that everything the Light did was for nothing. He explained that Light sacrificed his soul in order to stop Ghiyath’s father, but in turn, Genie’s name was erased from history by the Fatih family. The same Fatih family that got to enjoy the throne and enormous royal wealth, while Light who enabled that was forgotten and left to rot inside the magic lamp. It seems that these were no mere words, but a part of a spell, because it looks like Chapur was able to strengthen his hold on Light after he managed to shake his belief.

Gina desperately yelled at Light, advising him to ignore Chapur’s words. But, it looks like the magic circle blocked Gina’s words from reaching the Genie. Suddenly, Light went completely numbed, and he stopped to mentally resist Chapur’s spell. With Light completely disabled, Chapur went into the center of the magic circle and raised his wand. The black smoke raised high in the sky and engulfed everything around them. The last thing that Gina saw, was the magic lamp that dropped to her feet, battered and without even a trace of magical energy within it. Gina closed her eyes, knowing very well that there’s nothing that she can do to stop Chapur.

NOTE: If you chose “Total Loser” the stage will end here and you will obtain the ending “Eternal Darkness”.

Back to Previous Choice
NOTE: The second option “Prince who neglected his duty” unlocks the next stage, 2-15.

If you choose the second option “Prince who neglected his duty” Gina will criticize Chapur by saying that he was guilty for the misfortune of his dynasty because he started experimenting with the dark magic and neglected his duties as the Prince. Gina goes on, saying that Chapur doesn’t deserve to be a part of the royalty because he intends to change the past in order to avoid the responsibility for the chaos that his decision created. Furious, Chapur yelled at Gina, saying that she has no right to criticize him, but it seemed that Gina managed to shake the Magician’s confidence. At this moment, Light managed to break free, and he immediately launched a fireball at Chapur while instructing Gina to step away from him. Chapur was surprised by this move, but he doesn’t seem to be scared of Light. Instead, he claims that Genie underestimated him once more.

With that, Chapur points the wand at himself, explaining that he is no less powerful magician than Light. He is still determined to activate the space-time portal. But, since his previous plan to sacrifice Light to achieve this goal has failed, Chapur now plans to sacrifice himself to open the portal. He begins chanting the magical words and the thick black smoke starts to rise all around them, and it looks like the entire desert will be engulfed in smoke. Light yells at him, telling him that the spell will tear his soul apart. But, Chapur already knows this, and he continues to chant.  Kahir, realizing that Chapur will manage to open the space-time portal, shouted to Light that they have to stop him. Light is fully aware of this, but there is only one thing that he can do to stop Chapur now. With sadness in his eyes and a bitter smile on his face, Light looks at the magic lamp that is still floating in the air, high above them. 

With that, Light said to Kahir that he will have to take care of Gina, from now on. Terrified, our character realized that Light has no other choice but to break the taboo, once more. Light called Chapur by his real name, Ghiyath, and said that he is going to stop him, just like he stopped his father 70 years ago. Chapur accepted the challenge, and with his enraged scream, the thick black smoke started to rise above the magic circle. Light leaped up and reached that magic lamp, which suddenly started to glow with a bright light of magical energy. At this moment, Kahir grabbed Gina, as the huge explosion of magical energy threw them through the air. The Prince shielded Gina with his own body, and as they fell to the ground, our character lost consciousness, once more.  

NOTE: If you chose the “Prince who neglected his duty” option, this stage will end here, and you will unlock stage 2-15.

Well, this stage ended on a real cliffhanger. What happened to Light, did he break taboo and destroyed himself and Chapur? What about Kahir? Did he survive the explosion of magical energy? Find out in the next stage.

Thank you for reading.

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