Hello and welcome to our Dress up! Magic Lamp stage 2-15 full walkthrough and guide. In the previous stage, the ruins have risen from the sand and the magic lamp was hovering above them. Gina and Kahir argued with Chapur, in an attempt to convince him that his actions are wrong and that he misjudged the situation. But then, Chapur revealed that the Fatih family isn’t exactly as noble as they are presenting themselves. Chapur explained that the Faith family betrayed his family, and one of the members of the Fatih family used dark magic in combination with the magic lamp to kill Chapur’s father. That’s how they ascended to the throne and became the ruling family. Kahir doesn’t believe in Chapur’s story, so the Magician decided to convince him by summoning Light (who was standing motionlessly, like some kind of a zombie, obviously mind-controlled by Chapur). Then Chapur explained that Light’s true name is Arslan Fatih and that he is the one who murdered the last king of the former dynasty. Gina and Kahir still didn’t believe in Chapur’s words, so the Magician ordered the mind-controlled Light to attack them. Kahir rushed to protect Gina, and the battle was joined. However, Gina quickly realized that Light had an advantage because of his fire magic, and she knew it was just a matter of time before Kahir falls.

So, she waited for Chapur to get distracted by the ongoing battle, and used this moment to activate the Silver Cloak and turn into Chapur’s father. She distracted Chapur for several moments, but the Magician was able to quickly see through the illusion. So, he shot Gina with the bolt of magical energy, knocking her to the ground, and canceling the illusion of a Silver Cloak. When our character fell, she dropped the flawless ruby, which Chapur quickly grabbed and inserted in the magic lamp. But, to the surprise of everyone, nothing happened. However, the distraction caused by Gina did have one positive effect. Distracted Chapur was unable to maintain his control over Light, and the Genie was again standing motionlessly. So, now that he didn’t have to worry about Light anymore, Kahir charged forward and engaged Cahpur in battle.

This gave Gina enough time to grab the magic lamp, and she realized that the crystal on her pendant is glowing. Suspecting that this might be the true gemstone, Gina quickly inserted it into the magic lamp and restored its full potential. Also, with the magic lamp repaired, Light was able to break free from Chapur’s spell, and he was now free, again.

However, at this moment, Chapur revealed that the soul of a powerful magician can also be used to complete the space-time portal. While everyone else was confused, Chapur activated his trap by uttering a spell that he prepared in advance. Suddenly, the magic circle appeared on the ground, and Light was restrained by the dark magic. Genie was helpless once more. At this moment, Chapur explained that he wants to sacrifice Light, and that will enable him to complete the ritual. Gina, not knowing what else to do, yells at Chapur, saying that he is responsible for the death of his father, and the catastrophe that followed because he neglected the duties of the Prince and instead dabbled in dark magic. Fortunately, her words provided enough distraction for Light to break free from the spell. He immediately shot one of his fireballs at Chapur, knocking him down.

But, Chapur wasn’t ready to give up, not yet. He explained that he is going to sacrifice himself in order to complete the ritual. Seeing no other way, Light had to break taboo once, sacrificing himself in order to stop Chapur from completing the ritual. However, he didn’t kill Chapur because the two of them were childhood friends. Instead Light chose to clear Chapur’s heart from darkness, and to extinguish his desire for revenge once and for all… As soon as Light touched the magic lamp, a huge explosion of magical energy occurred, throwing everyone aside, and that’s how the previous stage ended.

The stage window will display all the relevant information. Hit Start when you are ready to begin.

NOTE: Your choice during the stage 2-11 will have a huge effect on the story in this stage. If you chose to “Encourage the Queen to stay” you will get two good endings, and we will first follow this branching of the story. At the end of this walkthrough, we will also show what happens if you chose to “Urge the Queen to leave” during stage 2-11 (bad ending).

Our story continues sometime later, with Gina dreaming of a battle between Light and the Last Tyrant. At end of her dream, she saw that the magic lamp was assembled, and Light seemed determined to use the full power of this magical artifact against the tyrant. When our character woke up, she saw Kahir standing beside her bed.

NOTE: We already played through the other branching of the story, so we know that this event wasn’t a dream, but Gina’s memory, because she was present during the battle that took place 70 years ago.

Kahir explains to Gina that she was unconscious for three days and that she suffered some injuries when the explosion of magical energy happened. Luckily, Fatimah was able to cure her. Our character quickly regained her memory, but the last thing she remembers was a battle between Light and Chapur. She was very concerned, and immediately asked Kahir about the outcome of the battle, but judging from his expression, she realized that something went terribly wrong.

After a few moments, Kahir finally gathered the strength to tell Gina the unpleasant news. He says that both Chapur and Light were struck by magical energy. Chapur fell unconscious from the impact and he is now imprisoned in the dungeons beneath the palace. However, Kahir couldn’t find Light anywhere, but he did manage to retrieve the magic lamp. Gina immediately took the magic lamp in her hands and started to rub it, in an attempt to summon Light. But, as soon as she saw the lamp she realized that something was terribly wrong because the magic lamp didn’t look magical at all. Not anymore. Besides that, the jewel inside the magic lamp didn’t glow at all, and it looked as mundane as that lamp itself…

Kahir tries to comfort Gina by saying that Light probably survived the battle, and is now sleeping inside the magic lamp. He rationalizes that they should be able to do this since they still have the gemstone.

But, the gemstone doesn’t appear to have any magic inside it, after the last battle. So, Kahir said that he could issue an official proclamation, in which he would urge all the magicians in the Kingdom to report to the palace. He thinks that some of the magicians might find a way to “revitalize” the magic lamp, and wake up their friend. But, Gina suddenly remembered that they have a magician right in front of their noses, they just didn’t remember it at first. The Queen is able to use magic, so Gina and Kahir decided to go to her and see if she could help them. But, Gina thought that she should dress appropriately before they leave.

Our story continues inside Kahir’s study, with Gina informing the Queen about everything that happened. The Queen is familiar with the name Arslan from the historical records, and she found it strange that there’s no mention of him, after the rebellion. However, she could never guess that he became trapped inside the magic lamp. Kahir explains that Arslan already sacrificed himself once for the sake of the kingdom, and it would be terrible if he was to suffer the same fate, once more. With that said, the young Prince seems determined to free Light. So, Gina wants to know if the Queen can help them.

The Queen says that she might be able to repair the magic lamp. She explains that only a very powerful magician could repair the magic lamp, and her skills in this field are very basic, at the best. However, she could try to use the Silver Cloak to infuse the magic lamp with a new burst of magical energy. The Queen hopes that this might be enough to wake up Light. On the downside, the Silver Cloak disintegrates once it’s used to restore the magic lamp. Gina understands that this might be a very difficult decision for the Queen because the Silver Cloak was a part of her family’s heirloom for generations.

But, the Queen said that she and the King own their lives to Gina because she saved them during the rebellion. Besides that, Light sacrificed himself to save the Full Moon Kingdom, so the Queen feels obliged to help him. With that said, the Queen takes the magic lamp and chanting the spell. The Silver Cloak immediately flies up and wraps itself around the magic lamp. Suddenly, the black smoke starts pouring out of the magic lamp, but it quickly turns into the white mist, before disappearing into the thin air. A few moments have passed, and the black smoke is no longer rising from the magic lamp, which has restored its old glow. More importantly, the gemstone on the magic lamp is again shining with magical energy. The Queen informs them that the spell is complete, and instructs Gina to try and summon Light.

Gina rubbed the magic lamp several times, and all of them were overjoyed when Light suddenly appeared before them. But, Light seems very confused, because he spent a lot of the magical energy in the battle against Ghiyath, so he thought that he will have to sleep for centuries in order to restore the lost power. Gina quickly responded by saying that the Queen sacrificed her family’s heirloom in order to restore the magic lamp. The Queen explains that the people are more important than objects, no matter how valuable those objects might be. Gina remembers that Kahir said something similar when he gave her the flawless ruby from his Golden Scimitar. Kahir officially thanks Light for saving the Kingdom on both occasions, 70 years ago during the rebellion, and now once more.  

But, Light just jokingly responded that it is his duty as their ancestor to watch over the descendants. However, Kahir wants to hear about the connection between the magic lamp and the Fatih family, and why there’s no official record about it. Light explains that he wrote a letter to his brothers informing them that he will destroy the magic lamp if he had to. He also instructed someone to hide the magic lamp and cover up its existence, while also erasing any trace of Light (Arslan) from history. After talking for a bit about the changes that came after the rebellion (prohibition of magic most importantly), Kahir said that he admires Arslan because of everything that he has done.

Gina then decided to inform Light about a dream that she had, which took place 70 years ago. Light remembered that he told some maid to give the lamp to one of the members of the Faith family if anything happens to him. Strangely enough, the maid looks almost exactly the same as Gina. So, he concluded that Gina must be a descendant of this maid. The Queen thinks that the explosion of the magic circle activated the memory inside the magic lamp which, embedded itself into Gina’s memory. But our character has more questions that need to be answered.

NOTE: We already played the other branching of the story, so we know that Gina was present during the rebellion because the magic lamp sent her back in time. So, the maid wasn’t Gina’s ancestor.

Light thinks that the maid probably ran into some kind of trouble, and had to ditch the magic lamp. However, she kept the gemstone, which was passed down through generations, and that’s how it ended up in Gina’s possession. Light concludes that Gina finally managed to accomplish the quest started by her ancestor – she recovered the magic lamp, reunited with the gemstone, and she is currently in the company of the three members of the Fatih family. Gina says that this was indeed a fortunate turn of events, but she thinks that their actions were guided by some unseen force. Light nodded in an agreement, but Gina suspects that he is still hiding something from her.

Light reminds Gina that he promised to fulfill her one wish, if she managed to find the gemstone, and now he intends to keep his end of the bargain. With that said, he asked Gina what she desires money, status, power, wisdom, or beauty. But, to his surprise, Gina said that she wants to release him from his bond with the magic lamp, so Light can become human again and enjoy life. Light asks her to reconsider, but Gina is sure about her decision. Light already sacrificed himself twice, so she is ready to use her only wish to grant him his freedom. Light is grateful, but he reminds Gina that he promised to fulfill her one wish, and he would feel as if he is breaking his end of the bargain if that wish was spent on him. But, Kahir came up with a solution. He advises Light to accept Gina’s offer. As for her wish, Kahir informs them that he will take it upon himself to fulfill not just one, but all Gina’s wishes.

So, Light wants to hear Gina’s wish. She explains that she wants poor people in the slums to leave happy life, like the people in the other parts of the town. But now, Kahir wants to know what makes the common people happy. And, now Gina has to decide how to answer this question.

Peaceful living and the means to support themselves

To live with the person you love
If you choose the first option “Peaceful living and the means to support themselves” Gina will say that her wish is to abolish slavery and that all orphans have a place that they could call home. Kahir says that he can fulfill Gina’s wish.

After some time has passed, Kahir became the King and ordered the abolition of slavery. The royal family also funded the construction of an orphanage. Kahir also decided to rename the Royal Library, and from now on it will be known as the Hall of Wisdom. Besides changing the name, the Hall of Wisdom became open to the general public, so even commoners could now gain higher education, and follow the path of science. Previously, only nobility had access to the Royal Library. Gina became the first female official of the Hall of Wisdom, and Kahir made her the leader of the team of scholars. The task of this team was to draw an accurate map of the known world. But, the young King was too impatient, and before Gina could submit her report on the progress of the project, Kahir decided to visit the Hall of Wisdom and see the map, although he knew that it wasn’t finished. Fortunately, the map was almost complete, and the young King was very impressed when the huge, and the highly detailed map was presented to him.

Our character explains that Sinbad, as a former adventurer and explorer, convinced the other adventures to come to the Hall of Wisdom and share the information about the areas that they discovered with Gina and the rest of her team. Needless to say, their input was of huge help in creating a detailed map and expanding it to include new, previously unknown parts of the world. Kahir informs Gina that he intends to organize expeditions into the newly discovered parts of the world, once the map is complete. The young Prince thinks that these expeditions will probably discover new lands and cultures, and the Full Moon Kingdom could greatly benefit by sharing its technology and knowledge with these nations. But, Gina wants to know if she should lead one of these expeditions. Kahir says that’s exactly what he had in mind. Gina looks at the huge map in front of her, and starts daydreaming about the day when she will set off toward the unknown and mysterious lands…

NOTE: If you chose the first option “Peaceful living and the means to support themselves” the story will end here, and you will acquire the ending “Lady of The Hall of Wisdom”.

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If you choose the second option “To live with the person you love” Gina will say that having a place to live in is not the same thing as having a home. In her opinion, a home is a sanctuary, in which she could enjoy in the company of a person she loves. So, Kahir wants to know if she found the sanctuary after everything she’s been through. He looks at her without blinking and Gina pauses, feeling a bit anxious.

Gina, thinking about everything that she and Kahir went through, is certain that she wants to spend the rest of her life beside him. However, the words just wouldn’t come to her mouth, so she just nodded instead. Kahir says that he also found his own sanctuary during the previous several months. He had many great and very dangerous adventures, like battling with the Golden Serpent Queen, quelling the rebellion, and fighting against Chapur and his dark magic. However, he was able to get through all these hardships because Gina was always by his side. And now, he wants to spend the rest of his life by her side, and make her every wish come true. Kahir takes her hand and puts it on her chest. He believes that everyone, regardless of their social status and wealth, should find the same happiness, just like he and Gina did. With that, he asks Gina to help him in achieving this dream, and she happily agrees.

Our story continues on the day of Gina’s and Kahir’s wedding. Our character gets up early to dress up for the wedding, and shortly after she’s done, the servant escorts to the palace where Kahir is impatiently waiting for her. However, when she saw Gina he immediately noticed that she is nervous. He tries to calm her down, promising that he will hold her hand during the entire ceremony. But, Gina had to express her concerns. She says that the people might find it inappropriate for the Prince to marry a commoner, especially after he rejected marriage offers from Princesses of several neighboring states. But, Kahir instructs Gina to hold her head high while waving to the gathered crowd because, in his eyes, no Princess is equal to Gina. But, when he took her hand, Gina noticed that his palms are sweaty, and concluded that he must be as nervous as she is.

But, Kahir explains that he doesn’t feel nervous about the ceremony or the opinion of the people. He feels nervous because he is about to marry Gina, a beautiful girl that he was in love with for so long, and he just can’t believe how fortunate he is. But, just as Gina started to blush, the horn from the outside announced the start of the procession. So, Gina took Kahir’s hand, and they walked toward the palace gate.

The two of them climb on the elephant and start heading down the main street, while the gathered crowd greets them by cheering and waving. While riding on the elephant, Gina and Kahir overhear a conversation between a young boy and a girl. The young boy explains that Gina isn’t a Princess, but a hero of the Full Moon Kingdom because she freed General Tarik from the prison and helped in quelling the rebellion. Also, she fought against the dark magician Chapur, together with Prince Kahir. After hearing that, the young girl thinks that Gina is more impressive than any Princess, and she wants to be just like Gina when she grows up. After hearing this conversation, all of Gina’s fears and doubts immediately went away. Kahir leaned in and kiss her and, at this moment, she felt like the happiest person in the world.

NOTE: If you chose the second option “To live with the person you love” the story will end here, and you will acquire the ending “A Grand Wedding”.

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Below we will see what happens if you chose to “Urge the Queen to leave” during stage 2-11.

If you choose this option, the Queen will say that it will be almost impossible to find a powerful magician in the Full Moon Kingdom, because practicing of magic has almost completely died out. Most importantly, she won’t say that she could restore the magic lamp by sacrificing her Silver Cloak. So, with no way to restore the magic lamp, Gina returned the Silver Cloak to the Queen and went home.

Gina spent the following months traveling across the kingdom and looking for a way to restore the magic lamp, but her quest was unsuccessful. Kahir tried his best to help her, just as he promised. He issued a proclamation for the recruitment of the sages, and he also tried to fix the magic lamp by inquiring the help of the royal alchemists. But all of these attempts failed.

After some time, Kahir became the King and ordered the construction of a monument by the sea, in memory of his heroic ancestor Arslan, whose actions were unknown up to this point. As soon as the construction of the monument was finished Gina and Kahir came to visit it. Gina was pleased to see that the monument resembled a lighthouse, just like she wanted. When they reached the monument, Kahir opened up to Gina. He told her that, when he was a child, he dreamed of the day when he will become crowned king. He imagined huge masses of people cheering as he waved the scepter of his ancestors from the palace balcony. However, he became king in a very turbulent time, and he quickly realized that the King has many duties, and must make difficult choices, from time to time. To Gina, it seemed as melancholy has taken over Kahir, but she wasn’t surprised, because he had to deal with the rebellion and make several very difficult choices at the start of his reign. After the monument was built, the people learned of the heroic sacrifice that Arslan made, and the tale of this hero of old spread amongst the people. But, no one will miss Light more than Gina…

NOTE: If you chose to “Urge the Queen to leave” during stage 2-11, the story will end here and you will acquire the ending “Monument at Daybreak”.

After exploring all the possible endings, we finally reached the end of the Magic Lamp storybook. Well, it was a great adventure, and our character Gina met many interesting friends along the way. She also faced the mythical creatures, like the Golden Serpent Queen, encountered ancient magical items, traveled to the past, and, together with her friends, fought against the dark magician from the past. Needless to say, this was one very thrilling adventure, and we finally reached the end of Gina’s journey…

Thank you for reading.

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